I'm currently in y12 and have been introduced to an EPQ, I am certain on doing one for the reduced offers at certain Universities. I'm dead set on doing Computer Science at University and am currently studying A Level Maths, Computer Science and Business. I'm fairly proficient with Python and Java and am confident in my ability to code with the languages, however my writing skills aren't the best (I got a 5-5 in English GCSE). I am looking for a minimum A in the EPQ as that will be enough to lower the offers.
I was wondering if I should do an Dissertation or Artefact, with an Artefact I could code a game and then document the process of creating it and learning the coding for it. For a Dissertation I could write about How AI will change the world for the better or something cool like that, I'm worried that with my English/Writing skills being very average I might struggle with the Dissertation. On the other hand the Artefact will be less writing and more hands on work which will suit me more as I can already code, but I was worrying that an Artefact EPQ is less valued compared to a Dissertation.
I was also wondering if I did do a Artefact would I be marked more on the quality of the code/project I produce or the documentation of it.