I'm 18 and i'm 5'11. Some days I dont mind, but recently i've been more self conscious. Guys don't like tall girls and i'm straight so i dont care abt what other girls think. (not in a mean way but it doesn't make me feel good)
I'm not a model either. I'm not skinny. I did some sports when i was younger so i have some leg muscles but i'm not exactly toned. All the other tall girls in my school could be models but maybe thats bc they're 5'9. I always feel like an ugly monster just looking over people.
I've looked into surgery and it quite expensive. I don't know much about it but I don't think its possible. I'm just frustrated bc i can't fix this flaw and im stuck with it forever like if ur overweight its easy to get rid of it, or if you have acne, you can get clearer skin.
This was just a rant and i hope someone feels the way i do