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Silly question - Microsoft word 365

Can someone assist me? My Microsoft Word keeps changing my words to American written format and not recognizing British format.

How do I change it so that it does?
Reply 2
Unfortunately not. I have already set the language to English U.K. I have also added English U.K. to the dictionary but it still insists on using English U.S. by default. It’s a bit of an annoyance because I see a bunch of red lines thinking I’ve made spelling errors but it's silly things like how sulfur is typically british but sulphur is American.
Reply 3
Original post by KingRich
Unfortunately not. I have already set the language to English U.K. I have also added English U.K. to the dictionary but it still insists on using English U.S. by default. It’s a bit of an annoyance because I see a bunch of red lines thinking I’ve made spelling errors but it's silly things like how sulfur is typically british but sulphur is American.

Sulphur is British and Sulfur American, so Word might actually be correct..?
Reply 4
Original post by KingRich
Unfortunately not. I have already set the language to English U.K. I have also added English U.K. to the dictionary but it still insists on using English U.S. by default. It’s a bit of an annoyance because I see a bunch of red lines thinking I’ve made spelling errors but it's silly things like how sulfur is typically british but sulphur is American.

Are you loading Word documents that have the language set? Or Word documents that have been created by online Word 365? BTW - when you have figured this one out could you also let me know why Word at work opens all previously opened documents that were not shut down properly? :-)
Reply 5
Original post by gjd800
Sulphur is British and Sulfur American, so Word might actually be correct..?

Apologies, I meant the other way around.
Reply 6
Original post by hotpud
Are you loading Word documents that have the language set? Or Word documents that have been created by online Word 365? BTW - when you have figured this one out could you also let me know why Word at work opens all previously opened documents that were not shut down properly? :-)

My current assignment involves a questionnaire that I had to download from a website. Still, the website is a origin, and the company I am enrolled with is British-based, so I don’t presume they’d have created the file in English U.S., but I could be wrong.

Oh, I’ve had this happen to me, too. I had a notice stating that my previous document failed to save when it didn’t close down properly; however, it still loads the same way I had left it. I presume it’s an autosave concept or logs a temp file upon shutdown as a safety feature. I work from home on my system, though, so I don’t know if it applies the same way.

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