The Student Room Group

Jobs got a 15 year old

Is there anyone who would hire someone who is 15?
Reply 1
sadly no you arent of age only when you are 16 years old and the last friday of june
Reply 2
Original post by ryanboyle
Is there anyone who would hire someone who is 15?

If you are willing to apply for a job in boots the chemist then they take young people from the age of 15 okay. You'll find this information on there website and online about the age that boots employ people at okay.
Apply via boots own website - do a online profile and they search for vacancies in your local area, you'll be restricted to work on certain departments because there's some that are only applicable for age 18 and above but you'll be able to apply still okay.

I worked with boots when I was just over 15 for about a year ( years ago) then found another job working with a big name supermarket and been there since.
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by ryanboyle
Is there anyone who would hire someone who is 15?

You wont get much until you turn 16 and finish school (i.e. the end of june in year 11).
You will be able to get a paper round. You might also get something in a local independent cafe/restaurant.

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