The Student Room Group

Degree funding

can anyone give advice? its up in the air with student finance. wanting proof of dropping out of uni. which i can proof! but i completed the first year and a little of my second year. can i still get a student loan to cover it?
Original post by aiasally2
can anyone give advice? its up in the air with student finance. wanting proof of dropping out of uni. which i can proof! but i completed the first year and a little of my second year. can i still get a student loan to cover it?

When you ask, "can i still get a student loan to cover it?", it seems like you asking whether you can get (future tense) a loan to cover the degree which you've already dropped out of. Is that what you're asking.

Did you apply for student finance before starting the course? Did they pay tuition fees directly to the university? Did they provide you with a maintenance loan to cover your accomodation etc.?

Or are you saying that you didn't apply at the time, but are now trying to get a loan for the tuition fee and accomodation costs etc. which you paid for yourself at the time?
Original post by aiasally2
can anyone give advice? its up in the air with student finance. wanting proof of dropping out of uni. which i can proof! but i completed the first year and a little of my second year. can i still get a student loan to cover it?

An official SFE rep has responded to your other question on this, which explains the process required to get the funding you need. If you gather evidence of CPR for leaving your first course part way through second year and it is accepted, then you would be funded for your new course. If you have further questions, it is best to add to that thread. :smile:
Reply 3
i have spoken to my cpn and shes wrote me a letter. both my grandads died and i was in a right mess! long story. and i've ordered death certificates. and i'm going to get a further letter from my doctor. now i'm having trouble loading evidence on the student site! is i ok if i post the evidence? i really want to do this degree! i completed year one and one month out of the second year. hoping to get funding for year one and two.
Original post by aiasally2
i have spoken to my cpn and shes wrote me a letter. both my grandads died and i was in a right mess! long story. and i've ordered death certificates. and i'm going to get a further letter from my doctor. now i'm having trouble loading evidence on the student site! is i ok if i post the evidence? i really want to do this degree! i completed year one and one month out of the second year. hoping to get funding for year one and two.

I think it will be fine to post. Don't forget to add your covering letter as advised on the SFE forum:

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