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I think you have to be 16 to legally work in the UK.. I think anyway.
i need a job soon after i turn 14 cuz im stuck for money as i dont get pocket money every week i get like 5 quid every 2 or 3 weeks

Get a paper-round, noone really cares how old you are - when I was your age quite a few of my 12-14 year old friends did paper-rounds. If not, you could always do car-washing (pays well in the summer when people want to have nice shiny cars!) or mowing lawns.
Reply 3
you don't have to be 16 to work. i got a saturday job in cat boarding centre when i was 13, and got paid £4 per hour. you could always try doing the same (that is if you like cats! :smile:)
you usually have to be 16 to work in a high street buissness, but you would probably be able to get in somewhere like...boarding kennels/catteries. Guesthouses as a chamber maid. umm or just doing a paper round
Reply 5
Working on the market was the norm when I was your age. :smile:
Reply 6
i need a job
Reply 7
I worked as a waitress in a well dodgy restaurant when I was 14, then a hairdressing assistant in a rubbish old peoples salon when I was about 15.
There are places that will take you, but don't expect it to be a nice job, or good money! :redface:
Reply 8
I was dying to get a job too, but i'll just wait until i'm 16 and get a decent one. Although, try working in a charity shop or something, cos the experience will help u no end.
Reply 9
Legally you have to be 14 to work, and you can only work for 8 hours a week with a maximum of 4 on any given day, as long as the work is between the hours of 7am and 7pm and doesn't interfere with you going to school. After 16 you can work as much as you want.

When I was 14 I worked in a local library on saturdays...
Reply 10
paper round :smile:
Reply 11
Legally you have to be 14 to work, and you can only work for 8 hours a week with a maximum of 4 on any given day, as long as the work is between the hours of 7am and 7pm and doesn't interfere with you going to school. After 16 you can work as much as you want.

When I was 14 I worked in a local library on saturdays...

This varies slightly from area to area and 13-14 Year Olds have slightly shorter hours than 15-16 year olds. You should be able to find the information on your county council's website.
distributing leaflets/catalogues
a saturday girl in a hairdressers.
Reply 15
hey i need a job,13, im 14 in 6 weeks . something in the salisbury area
Reply 16
hey i need a job,13, im 14 in 6 weeks . something in the salisbury area

See the rest of the thread. No need to bump, the same answers still apply.
Reply 17
i am 14 and i desperately need a job coz i dont get pocket money at the mo coz my family are tight on money and i have been doing odd jobs and getting £2 pound for them which is going good but i want a permanant job for the weekend and holidays. anybody have any advice?:smile:
Reply 18
i am 14 and i desperately need a job coz i dont get pocket money at the mo coz my family are tight on money and i have been doing odd jobs and getting £2 pound for them which is going good but i want a permanant job for the weekend and holidays. anybody have any advice?:smile:

Other than paper rounds and trying local shops that may be more lenient... no other advice I'm afraid.
Reply 19
does anyone no any good jobs for 14 year olds. i am trying to find some. i have lready emailed an employer to see if they have any jobs that i can do but they haven't emailed back!!!! :frown: