The Student Room Group
I didn't do Pass Plus, but I did have a motorway lesson, which is one of the modules.

It's very relaxed. They give you some basic instruction as to what to do, and then you make your way to a motorway and drive on it for a bit. Your instructor will advise you on when to overtake and all that other stuff.

If you 'go crazy and can't do something' then of course he'll help you. Remember, there's no exam at the end. I believe after you've done your six hours they just sign a certificate and that's that.
Reply 2
It's just like a normal lesson but more advanced stuff so yeah they tell you where to go, when to turn etc.

I've never heard of anyone fail pass plus but if you are particularly weak in some modules you may have to do it again (at extra cost) until your instructor thinks you are competent.
It isn't a pass/fail thing, you'll be given instruction until your instructor is happy with your standard.
You'll be taken to more challenging roads and situations and the instructor may start to show you some more advanced techniques and help you to be confident in a wider range of weathers and different types of road.
Good luck and make sure you ask your instructor everything you can think of.
Reply 4
can i ask you why you want to do pass plus?
Reply 5
because my insurance is too expensive and its loads cheaper when i have pass plus, also my instructor is really nice and its cheap. also i want to do motorways and stuff but cant do it with my parents helping me because they are stressy and would make it horrible :frown:
Reply 6
Motorways are eassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssy once you've been on them a few times :wink:

That said it doesn't help having a car that refuses to gain speed when entering one haha

Seriously, just go on one near you for a bit - with someone if it helps you and get it over and done with; they really aren't daunting at all so long as you use your mirrors properly. It's only the getting on them that's the tricky part the first few times :biggrin:

Good luck though!
Reply 7
yeah i think ill be alright on them, its just first time i want someone as a passenger that wont go crazy etc. but i want to drive them regularly so just doing it as a first time sort of thing. i get really nervous about stuff like that, but if i have a good first experience, it should be ok :smile:
Reply 8
My instructor told me that when she does pass plus, for part of it anyway, she asks you to plan your own route or something and then you go and do that. I'm not entirely sure what it consists of though, I never bothered with it myself
Reply 9
Pass Plus is definitely a good thing to do :smile: Even if you disregard the insurance benefits, it helps you to become a better driver because you're getting extra training in a unique way. I found my Pass Plus lessons were nothing like my regular driving lessons because I was a qualified driver, my instructor treated me differently and things were up to me, though I was still learning, just in a different kind of way. In the little book you get it says something like, 'You've decided to take Pass Plus in order to become a more experienced driver' or something, and my mum was like, 'No, you're doing it so you get cheaper insurance!' But it is really good to do nonetheless, it's helpful to have your first experience of motorways, night driving etc with your instructor sitting beside you helping you along.

Your instructor will probably not give you directions like 'Take the next left,' 'Take the third exit at the roundabout.' My instructor simply said to me 'Make your way to the motorway' and asked me to tell her which route I was going to take. If your instructor does that, it's normal to get a bit frazzled - I knew which way to go but trying to explain it to her whilst I was driving affected my concentration. Once you get to the motorway, don't worry - your instructor will give you a lot of help, as they know you'll probably be terrified your first time! They'll probably tell you when to overtake and when to get back in lane a couple of times, but soon enough you'll feel fine doing it yourself. Just make sure you're always looking in your mirrors, and if you're going to overtake, do your observations very, very carefully. Check all your mirrors, and check your blind spot - one second there's nothing there, the next you've got someone right up next to you. It's easy for your speed to creep up, so remember to keep it at 70, or lower if needs be to keep a safe travelling distance, and get into the inside lane early enough for your exit.

You will probably have to make your own way wherever you are going without instruction - once I got off the motorway, my instructor simply told me where I needed to be heading and I had to read the signs for myself. Don't worry if you get a bit confused, as it is quite weird being in charge of the directions yourself for the first time, just be going at an appropriate speed to read the road signs and ask your instructor if you're not sure.

When you do night driving, it's really quite weird :tongue: You'll probably set off when it's dusk time, so you need your sidelights on, and then as it gets darker you'll need your headlights. Things look really different in the dark, and it's difficult if you're driving on roads you don't know well - you can't tell where junctions are, you're driving along and then suddenly the junction's upon you. So go slowly and let yourself get used to driving in the dark, it'll be really weird at first.

You are marked for all the different components of the six modules - either 'Attained' or 'Exceeded.' So long as you get an 'A' for 'Attained' for everything, you have completed the course. You have to sign the form which your instructor will fill in, then your instructor will probably send it off for you, and you'll get your certificate in the post.

Good luck with it!
80%, no more like 90% of my regular driving lessons are at night! lol.

My first 5 lessons were in the rain at 9pm. hehe.

daytime driving was a nice change haha.
Please could you talk us how mush a sessions
Original post by Lindalina2017
Please could you talk us how mush a sessions

Reply 13
Original post by Lindalina2017
Please could you talk us how mush a sessions

Y'know this thread is nearly 10 years old.. right..