The Student Room Group

Changing second degree exempt courses after passing year one

Hi I’m wondering if you can help me with my query

This is all in relation to part time funding through The Open University.

I currently already have a BSc graduate degree and recieved full tuition fee funding plus distance learning disabled maintenance loan for the duration of the three years of the degree.

I have since started a new undergraduate degree - ‘combined STEM’ through The Open University which is eligible as a fully funded second degree as it’s an exemption course.

I want to change degrees next year to a different undergraduate course that should still be fully funded due to the exemption list which is - Mathematics BSc.

My question is this:

I am set to obtain a CertHE from the completion of this first year of my combined STEM course.

Will changing courses to year 1 of the new maths course affect my maintenance loan or tuition fee loan for this year considering I would have ‘passed’ the year and obtained a CertHE which I believe wouldn’t usually be eligible for the maintenance loan element? Or as I was enrolled on the Full BSc (but only obtained a CertHE) is this point irrelevant and my funding would remain the same (for this year - the 23/24 AY, and not retrospectively be reassessed due to passing a year one and then starting a new exempt course in year 1 for 24/25). Thanks

(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Parttimequestion
Hi I’m wondering if you can help me with my query

This is all in relation to part time funding through The Open University.

I currently already have a BSc graduate degree and recieved full tuition fee funding plus distance learning disabled maintenance loan for the duration of the three years of the degree.

I have since started a new undergraduate degree - ‘combined STEM’ through The Open University which is eligible as a fully funded second degree as it’s an exemption course.

I want to change degrees next year to a different undergraduate course that should still be fully funded due to the exemption list which is - Mathematics BSc.

My question is this:

I am set to obtain a CertHE from the completion of this first year of my combined STEM course.

Will changing courses to year 1 of the new maths course affect my maintenance loan or tuition fee loan for this year considering I would have ‘passed’ the year and obtained a CertHE which I believe wouldn’t usually be eligible for the maintenance loan element? Or as I was enrolled on the Full BSc (but only obtained a CertHE) is this point irrelevant and my funding would remain the same (for this year - the 23/24 AY, and not retrospectively be reassessed due to passing a year one and then starting a new exempt course in year 1 for 24/25). Thanks

Hi there,

Is the new course going to be part time studied at The Open University as well? Thanks, Jason
Original post by SFE Jason
Hi there,

Is the new course going to be part time studied at The Open University as well? Thanks, Jason
Hi Jason

Yes it is, part time through open university.
Just wanted to add that my undergraduate degree that I hold was also through part time at the open university - so all my study has been through part time open university so far.
Reply 4
Hi there. Can you confirm the full name of the Mathematics course you are looking to change to and how many years this new course will be? Thanks, Leah.
Sure - BSc (Honours) Mathematics
Course code: Q31

I’ll be studying for 3 years at 120 credits a year through the open university.
Reply 6
Thanks. The university haven't added this course for 24/25 yet on our system, but it is an exception for 23/24. They will probably add it at a later date, but I cannot confirm 100% until they do this.

It will be classed as a new course, but since it's an exception course, you should be okay for funding. You can apply for a maximum of 16 years for part time courses.

You may need to supply your evidence for the disability Maintenance Loan again, since it will be classed as a new course.

Thanks, Leah.
Hi Leah

That’s great and as expected I was just wondering specifically whether leaving my current Combined Stem course after completing/passing Year 1 (this year) with a CertHE, will cause a reassessment on this years funding due to leaving with a qualification level that wouldn’t usually have been awarded funding - or if this is irrelevant based on the fact that I was studying towards a full degree but changed courses even though I passed the first year.

Reply 8
No, we wouldn't' reassess this years funding due to the fact you are changing course. Thanks, Leah.

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