Before you start this case study make sure you read through your two case studies which have one adult and one children’s health and social care setting provided for you by your teachers (or from your own work experience)
A.P1 Explain the implications of a duty of care in a selected health or social care settingFor this question, define what duty of care is and give an example of where it has or has not been met in both of the case studies.
Clue: Page 298
A.P2 Discuss ways in which complaints and appeals procedures address failure in a duty of care in a selected health or social care settingUse page 302 and 303 to help you with this question, for this talk about a specific complaints and appeals procedures and link it to each case study that failed to provide duty of case
B.P3 Describe the types and signs of abuse and neglect that may be experienced by different individualsDefine what abuse and neglect are and list down the types and signs of abuse and neglect
Clue: Page 308 to 317
B.P4 Explain the factors that may contribute to and reduce the likelihood of abuse and neglect for service users in health and social careTalk about factors that contribute to the likelihood of abuse and neglect and then talk about the factors that can reduce the likelihood of abuse and neglect
Clue: Contribute to abuse and neglect page 317 to 319. Reduce abuse and neglect page 323 to 326
B.P5 Explain how to respond to concerns about abuse and neglect in the selected health or social care settingsTalk about how to response to concerns about abuse and neglect shown in the case studies by using page 319 to 323 as guidance
A.M1 Assess the importance of balancing individual rights with a duty of care in a selected health or social care settingFor this question talk about why it’s important to balance individual rights to duty of care and linking it to your case studies. for example, it’s important to balance individual rights as the equality act (2010) states that you should treat everyone equality no matter what their sex, race etc. (following the equality act is an example of duty of care) is In the first case study two female couples want to live together but a member of staff would let them this is poor duty of care as the member of staff haven’t followed the equality act
Use page 298 to 301 to help you
B.M2 Assess the importance of recognising and responding to evidence or concerns about different types of abuse and neglect in health and social careTalk about why it’s important to recognise and respond to evidence and concerns using page 319 to 322 for guidance, then link it to both studies, for example, one of the ways of recognising and responding to evidence is observation, in the second study the doctor noticed bruises at the base of Kevin’s spine and round marks on Lucy’s neck that resemble burns and was unconvinced at the father’s response as they’re more recent, however, she didn’t record her opinions, this could had lead to the death of two children
A.D1 Evaluate the significance of a duty of care and complaints procedures in promoting safe practice in a selected health or social care settingExplain
WHY it’s important to have a duty of care and have a complaint procedure to promote safe practice and using your case study as examples, for example it’s important to provide duty of care as it can protect service users from neglect and abuse by not providing duty of care cases such as the first and second study happens (then expand you answer), the reason why it’s important to have complaint procedures is to help them improve in their safe practice for example (refer to study one or two, or both)
Use page 303 for reasons why we have complaint procedures and 305 to 306
Page 398 to 301 for duty of care
B.D2 Justify procedures for responding to concerns about abuse and neglect in the selected health or social care settingExplain
WHY it’s important to for the people in both case studies (who haven’t responded to abuse and neglect) to respond to concerns on abuse and neglect
C.P6 Compare the influence of different health and safety laws or policies on health and social care practice in a selected settingCompare the two case studies to the health and safety laws on page 327 to 331 and explain whether the case studies have followed these health and safety laws
D.P7 Explain how different procedures maintain health and safety in a selected health or social care settingExplain the procedures they used or not used in both case studies to maintain health and safety. Use page 336 to 344 for guidance
D.P8 Explain the health and safety responsibilities of employers, employees and others in a selected health or social care settingExplain what the health and safety responsibilities are for employers, employees and others in both case studies. Use page 342 to 345 for guidance
C.M3 Analyse how health and safety legislation or policies influence safe practice in a selected health or social care settingLook through both case studies and explain how these health and safety legislation that you talked about in P6, P7 and P8 can make a different to safe practice in both case studies. Use page 331 to 335. For example, if the first case study followed (put legislation here) they can protect service users from harm thus promoting safe practice
D.M4 Analyse how individual responsibilities and health, safety and emergency procedures contribute to safe practice in a selected health or social care settingExplain how the responsibilities and health, safety and emergency procedures that you talked about in P6, P7 and P8 for each individual(s) in the case studies can affect safe practice. For example, if the service users and employees knew the fire emergency procedure they would know what to do in a fire emergency, thus promoting safe practice
CD.D3 Justify the effectiveness of health and safety legislation, policies and procedures in maintaining health and safety in a selected health or social care settingExplain WHY health and safety legislation, policies and procedures can help to preserve health and safety in both of your case studies, basically how individuals/employees in the case study if they follow the health and safety procedures can change the way they conducted practice in the case study i.e. in the first case study if they had a procedure on coloured bins and where to store bins in for certain things it can help to save lives
CD.D4 Evaluate the importance of safe practice principles in maintaining and promoting the health, safety and welfare of service users in a selected health or social care settingYou should treat this section as a conclusion. For this talk about why it’s important to promote safe practice in terms of promoting the health, safety and welfare of service users in the case studies. For example, it’s important for health care workers to promote safe practice as it can help promote the health, safety and welfare of service users for example in the first case study they haven’t promoted safe practice by….. if they followed the legislation such as…. They could preserve the health, safety and welfare of service users, for example…. Then do the same for the second study
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Work ExplainedUnit 8: Promoting Public Health Work ExplainedUnit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Work Explainedcredit to
@Keri00Summers for helping me

Hi thank you for the help! Would it be possible if you could send me the pages for unit 17 please?