The Student Room Group

Slovak girl at work; good idea or not?

as you can guess from the title. theres a Slovakian girl at work who blatantly likes me. shes always staring at me and making eye contact and weve managed to talk a little.

shes quite a bigish girl however shes extremely pretty and has a big chest (not that that makes a difference ofcourse im not sure why ive mentioned it actually :rolleyes:). people are always making jokes about her wanting me and occasionally where she can hear but she doesnt understand what they are saying as she speaks VERY little english.

the problem is, besides the language barrier is that ill only be working there another 3 weeks however ill have to go back at xmas and next summer.

does making a move sound like a good idea? im fairly sure shes come to england on her own as theres alot of foreign people there and she doesnt seem like the type that keeps alot of company if you get me.

if you asked her to marry you, right now, she'd probably say yes.
Reply 2
What have you got to lose? Id do it :biggrin:.
Reply 3
if you asked her to marry you, right now, she'd probably say yes.

Reply 4
she's probably a cocaine snorting prostitute on the side
How will you have a meaningful relationship with someone who doesn't speak your language?
There's an attractive young Polish woman at a chippy near where i live - it's downright sexy how she's trying SO hard to speak and learn English and communicate with the customers :o: She's good looking too. It's like when you see fish in a tank that's too small, you just want to buy them all, if only to liberate them from such **** conditions. Same goes for this Pole at the local chippy, concept-wise, but i wouldn't be buying anything as such :biggrin: Working in a hot fish and chippy can't be heaps of fun.
haha Slovak girls are prettyyy :yep:
but if I were in your shoes I'd let her go. You can barely talk to her, she can barely understand so it won't probably be love of the life either. Moreover it seems you kinda worry of what would the others say... don't break her heart if you are not seriously interested in her.

maybe she is for real?! :yep: :confused:
Reply 9
offer her some English tuition
la fille danse
How will you have a meaningful relationship with someone who doesn't speak your language?

Firth did in Love Actually :rolleyes:
Reply 11
i dont believe its vital that you have to speak the same language, we both understand each other to a degree and its not like shes wanting an indepth conversation. although today i did see her reading a womens book i think shes trying to learn english - though it didnt stay open for very long.

the main problem is that i dont want to start a relationship and then in 3 weeks have to break it off. i hate it if somebody did that to me. especially knowing they would be going back to uni that would make me worrie no matter how much i trusted them.
Lara C.
as you can guess from the title. theres a Slovakian girl at work who blatantly likes me. shes always staring at me and making eye contact and weve managed to talk a little.

shes quite a bigish girl however shes extremely pretty and has a big chest (not that that makes a difference ofcourse im not sure why ive mentioned it actually :rolleyes:). people are always making jokes about her wanting me and occasionally where she can hear but she doesnt understand what they are saying as she speaks VERY little english.

the problem is, besides the language barrier is that ill only be working there another 3 weeks however ill have to go back at xmas and next summer.

does making a move sound like a good idea? im fairly sure shes come to england on her own as theres alot of foreign people there and she doesnt seem like the type that keeps alot of company if you get me.


This is why you NEVER date women you work with.

I don't think you've told us what YOU want from her (it looks like she's pretty curious about you, at the very least).............tell us that and I can answer your question properly.
Lara C.

Thanks for that.

Now.......looking for a girlfriend shouldn't necessarily preclude you from having a little fun here and there, despite what most people here will tell you. In fact, that's how I've got all my girls (although I am looking to reverse this under my new doctrine: purse first, ass last. But that's another discussion altogether :smile:)

I see that you're 20.....personally, knowing how frustrated I was at that age while experiencing the longest doomswitching known to man, I think you should get laid first, which will allow you to think CLEARLY about your next move.

If you want a girlfriend, it's easy. Hit the gym (I see you're doing that anyways :yy:), dress well, get out to where the people you want to associate with hang out, have something going for yourself in your life, have interesting things to say/do, get her life story and take an active and sincere interest in her...............SHIP IT CRUCIAL!!!!!!!!!!

Regarding this chick (temporarily ignoring my "no work chicks" edict).......what's to say that she won't be down with a short term thing? You won't know until you step up.................not every woman wants the vanilla relationship. Believe me, I found this out the fun way :smile:

She speaks little English? Hey, it never stopped me :wink: ..............and you can teach her.

Hope that helps!

P.S. Eastern European women ftw!
Reply 14
la fille danse
How will you have a meaningful relationship with someone who doesn't speak your language?

A meaningful relationship? He only wants to cop a feel of that 'big chest'...:yep:
Reply 15
Go up to her and say "Chema"