The Student Room Group

What would be your dream university ?

if you could attend one university what uni would it be and why ?
idk why but i'd say manchester. seems like a great student city uni and also highly ranked and reputable as it's russell group :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Oxford or Cambridge, literally just to see if my mother would actually stop with her lifelong disappointment in me or not.
Original post by Gilmore115
if you could attend one university what uni would it be and why ?

Harvard or Stanford. They have incredible programs and campuses.
Oxford and Cambridge at the same time.
If I could manage to do that then I'd finally be a real TSR member. I only have 43 A**s though. :frown:
assuming i was capable of studying there, i'd say Harvard otherwise my dream university was the one i went to i.e. the best i could get into realistically
(edited 1 year ago)
King's College London because it sounds so grand or Queens University because I would hate to Northern Ireland.
Reply 7
also is Harvard good for architecture
heard oxford doesnt do the course
Reply 8
I never had one, really. I was more bothered about the what rather than the where.
oxbridge, edinburgh
i doubt i'll be able to study overseas but i'd die to go to MIT or Zürich.
if i have to pick just one, i'll say oxford.
(edited 11 months ago)
I guess my current one, mostly just because it's the only one that will let me study what I want to study in the format I wish to study it. Granted if I could do this at literally any other university I'd probably prefer to do that than commute to London...
oxford probably
honestly I love campus unis
Original post by Anonymous #2
oxford probably
honestly I love campus unis

Oxford is not a campus university. It is a collegiate university, with colleges and faculties spread out across the central area of the city.

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