The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey! I am also not far away from Northampton and will be commuting by car (I am in 3 days a week). I had my enrolment today and could park at the Car Park 4 but from what I heard, we cannot regularly park there.

For the permit, I believe the applications will open on the second semester (January).

I am also trying to figure out where I could park and it seems like an issue to quite a few people too.
Reply 2
Original post by Akimoz
Hey! I am also not far away from Northampton and will be commuting by car (I am in 3 days a week). I had my enrolment today and could park at the Car Park 4 but from what I heard, we cannot regularly park there.

For the permit, I believe the applications will open on the second semester (January).

I am also trying to figure out where I could park and it seems like an issue to quite a few people too.

Hi ,

I'm in 2 days, but I will be coming by train the other day.

Yes , I been there as well yesterday but from this what I read we will not be able to park there latter on.

Yes, I read permits opening January but they also writing they going fast and more priority getting people from closer locations( this probably just people from Northampton?)

Let me know If you find anything please :smile:
I checked on Google maps and looks like there is some paid parkings not far away - not sure with availability.