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applying to biomed to do dentistry or taking a gap year?

hii, i'm currently in y13 and i'm applying to do biomedical science at university. however, i really wanted to dentistry but i didn't do too well in my mocks for dentistry so my teachers told me about biomedical science and they said i could then pursue dentistry after getting a degree in biomed if i wanted to. anyways, i did my mocks again and my predicted grades are a little better and i could do the gateway to dentistry at uni of bristol. however, i've missed the deadline so do you think i could apply through clearing? i know it's difficult to get a place through clearing but i want to at least try and i've done the ucat which i got 2340 for. if my grades end up better than expected, should i take a gap year and then reapply the following year?
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 1
Postgrad entry to Dent, Med or Vet is barkingly competitive and as you will already have a degree, usually doesnt get full funding. Its simply not a realistic option.

If you want to be a Dentist - DO DENTISTRY. If that involves working your socks off this year to get the grades you need and applying in a gap year, do it. It that involves resits, do it, If it involves reapplying three times, do it. Just dont do Biochem as an 'instead' until you have exhausted all other ways of doing Dentistry.
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Postgrad entry to Dent, Med or Vet is barkingly competitive and as you will already have a degree, usually doesnt get full funding. Its simply not a realistic option.

If you want to be a Dentist - DO DENTISTRY. If that involves working your socks off this year to get the grades you need and applying in a gap year, do it. It that involves resits, do it, If it involves reapplying three times, do it. Just dont do Biochem as an 'instead' until you have exhausted all other ways of doing Dentistry.

thanks for the advice! i’ll definitely consider doing a gap year if i get the grades since i talked to my teachers and i managed to get abb in my mocks this time. they said i could get an aaa if i continue working like this so i’ll definitely keep trying! also, do you know anything about entering through clearing? i know it’s very difficult and almost impossible but do universities offer dentistry through clearing?
Original post by japansmoonx
hii, i'm currently in y13 and i'm applying to do biomedical science at university. however, i really wanted to dentistry but i didn't do too well in my mocks for dentistry so my teachers told me about biomedical science and they said i could then pursue dentistry after getting a degree in biomed if i wanted to. anyways, i did my mocks again and my predicted grades are a little better and i could do the gateway to dentistry at uni of bristol. however, i've missed the deadline so do you think i could apply through clearing? i know it's difficult to get a place through clearing but i want to at least try and i've done the ucat which i got 2340 for. if my grades end up better than expected, should i take a gap year and then reapply the following year?

Omg im in the exact same situation i was told to do bio med by my teachers because i wasn't allowed to apply by my school because my predicted grades were too low so i couldnt apply on the 16th and i also did the ucat but didnt do great.
My plan was to take biomed and then try get into dentistry postgrad but apparently there a really low chance of getting in so its like idk what to do.
someone please tell me should i take a gap year or do Biomed!!!
Original post by japansmoonx
thanks for the advice! i’ll definitely consider doing a gap year if i get the grades since i talked to my teachers and i managed to get abb in my mocks this time. they said i could get an aaa if i continue working like this so i’ll definitely keep trying! also, do you know anything about entering through clearing? i know it’s very difficult and almost impossible but do universities offer dentistry through clearing?

No there are very few universities who offer Dentistry and they are heavily oversubscribed. If you want to do Dentistry take a pap year as advised.
Reply 5
Original post by Samuraiurmadre
Omg im in the exact same situation i was told to do bio med by my teachers because i wasn't allowed to apply by my school because my predicted grades were too low so i couldnt apply on the 16th and i also did the ucat but didnt do great.
My plan was to take biomed and then try get into dentistry postgrad but apparently there a really low chance of getting in so its like idk what to do.
someone please tell me should i take a gap year or do Biomed!!!

i’m gonna apply to do biomed, hopefully get my grades up and then if possible take a gap year and reapply to do dentistry if my grades turn out better. if not then i’ll try to do graduate entry.
Reply 6
Original post by japansmoonx
Original post by Samuraiurmadre
Omg im in the exact same situation i was told to do bio med by my teachers because i wasn't allowed to apply by my school because my predicted grades were too low so i couldnt apply on the 16th and i also did the ucat but didnt do great.
My plan was to take biomed and then try get into dentistry postgrad but apparently there a really low chance of getting in so its like idk what to do.
someone please tell me should i take a gap year or do Biomed!!!

i’m gonna apply to do biomed, hopefully get my grades up and then if possible take a gap year and reapply to do dentistry if my grades turn out better. if not then i’ll try to do graduate entry.

apply to plymouth biomed! they offer a space in dentistry/medicine at the end of 1st year if you achieve good grades
Reply 7
Original post by luvhmuni
apply to plymouth biomed! they offer a space in dentistry/medicine at the end of 1st year if you achieve good grades
does anyone know anyone who was successful at getting on that course via bio med
Original post by luvhmuni
apply to plymouth biomed! they offer a space in dentistry/medicine at the end of 1st year if you achieve good grades

These kind of transfer schemes are generally not a good idea as they rely on:

Someone who has underperformed a bit at AL/UCAT turning things around completely within their first year of undergrad study.

Competing against a number of high achievers on the same course for a limited number of spaces.

The advice is to never start a course you wouldn't be happy completing.
Reply 9
Original post by luvhmuni
apply to plymouth biomed! they offer a space in dentistry/medicine at the end of 1st year if you achieve good grades

And your chances of being able to do that are so slim its not even worth considering.
You will be stuck with a '1 year completed 'of another degree that you never wanted to do - and no Dentistry place.

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