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My old sixth form cannot give me a reference and predicted grades?

So i intend on resitting and reapplying as a private student back to ucas but my old teachers cannot give me a reference what do I do?
Reply 1
Hi, are you employed by any chance? If so, your employer/manager can complete your reference for you. Rather than the reference focusing on the academic side (although they can mention this), they would focus more on your skills, qualities, and personality which would support your ambitions to study a particular subject and also that you will be able to cope with the demand of university level study.

I hope this helps. If not, I would email all the universities you are thinking of applying to and ask them if a reference is compulsory. I believe for some courses that a reference is not absolutely necessary in order to apply so this may be worth a shot.
Original post by lionelmessi34
So i intend on resitting and reapplying as a private student back to ucas but my old teachers cannot give me a reference what do I do?

How long ago did you leave? Schools will usually hold a reference on file for you. Did you approach teachers directly or just the general office?
Original post by Admit-One
How long ago did you leave? Schools will usually hold a reference on file for you. Did you approach teachers directly or just the general office?

I emailed my head of sixth form and he said you will need to complete the ucas through your own means. Does that mean no reference ?
Original post by lionelmessi34
I emailed my head of sixth form and he said you will need to complete the ucas through your own means. Does that mean no reference ?

Not necessarily, they may just be telling you that you can't use their buzzword. IE. that you need to apply independently. I think you need to go back to them and ask if they can provide a reference, even if it's the previously submitted one.
Original post by Admit-One
Not necessarily, they may just be telling you that you can't use their buzzword. IE. that you need to apply independently. I think you need to go back to them and ask if they can provide a reference, even if it's the previously submitted one.

I think what they mean is that i cant link my appikcation to their centre. Should i write down my referee details on reference section for them to fill in predicted grades? Cuz i cannot fill it in by myslef I need a referee.
Original post by lionelmessi34
I think what they mean is that i cant link my appikcation to their centre. Should i write down my referee details on reference section for them to fill in predicted grades? Cuz i cannot fill it in by myslef I need a referee.

as far as I know you don't need an academic reference if you will be over 21 on course start date, it can be an employer instead. As for resitting exams I have only ever heard of that being done through school, maybe in this case the predicted grades will be the same as you had in sixth form?
Original post by lionelmessi34
I think what they mean is that i cant link my appikcation to their centre. Should i write down my referee details on reference section for them to fill in predicted grades? Cuz i cannot fill it in by myslef I need a referee.

You need to check with the person you are nominating that they are happy to provide a reference and possibly predictions. But yes, if they agree then you just need to enter their details and they'll be prompted for both.

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