Hi, I am an international gap year student who is going to apply to UCAS 2024. I studied Sociology year one at Sussex Uni and now I have to transfer uni. I am considering choosing Sociology year one or year two entry . Does Sociology year two entry at Manchester Metropolitan University consist of a lot of workload? Will it have many 2000-3000 words essays in the first semester?
I am worried about if I can handle it or not because I don’t know whether I can adopt the workload of year two after a gap year and I am a person who is easily panic with a lots of workload. A 2500-3000 words essay is a bit causing pressure to me, if every homework require 3000 word counts , that is gonna killing me. I can still be able to handle two assignments that are 2500-3000 word counts, which means the majority of the assignments will be about 1000-1500 words. But I will die if the majority of year two sociology assignments at MMU needs 2500-3000 words for each semester because I will tend to submit them lately , as it is a bit harsh that I do not have enough time to think about them,planning and finishing them altogether on time in each semester. 1000-1500/2000 words will be more reasonable to me.
Also, how many assignments will it have approximately in year two for each semester? Are the numbers of assignments similar to year one ‘s assignments ? Or the numbers of assignments between year one and two will have a big difference?
what are the types of sociology assignment at MMU? Are they all about coursework essays or they will include other types such as doing portfolio, presentation etc?
Lastly, I would like to also ask the same aboved questions for Uni of Salford. Do the assignments for sociology year 2 at Salford Uni require a lot 2500-3000 words essays for each semester and how many numbers of socioology year 2 assignments for each semester? What types of assignmnets are they? Is the asssignment workload of year two similar / different to year one workload?
To compare MMU and Salford sociology course( combine yr 1 and yr 2), which one will be easier?
Many thanks✨