The Student Room Group

Did he like me?

So this boy who I used to/still do like used to flirt with me back when we had gym together. A little of a back story, now I realize that he did flirt quite a bit and one day we were playing around in the gym (nobody was really in there except for him, me, and my best friend) and he picked me up several times (it wasn’t sexual or anything) and put me on his shoulder, etc. One day, he came up to me and my best friend and looked a little nervous, not super confident like his usual self. He told me that he heard from a few people that I liked him. One person actually did tell him that. He didn’t directly ask me, but was implying that he wanted to know. To this day, I still don’t know why he asked me. My question is… did he like me? A couple of people told me the only reason he’d ask me is if he wanted to know if I felt the same way. I panicked when he asked me, and said no. We still talked rarely, and he was playful, but we never talked much after that. Now he has a girlfriend, but they are in a rough patch, as she is very toxic. We don’t have any classes together this year, but we always make eye contact in the hallway, and whenever he’s around in the hallway, somehow he always pops up behind me or close to me. I just don’t know if he actually liked me or not.
Are you expecting different responses to yesterday?

He has a girlfriend, so it doesn't matter.
Reply 2
Original post by Surnia
Are you expecting different responses to yesterday?

He has a girlfriend, so it doesn't matter.

I worded it a little differently with more information today.

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