The Student Room Group

Extra UCAS Points - LAMDA and Dance

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some guidance/opinions about doing LAMDA and dance exams, particularly in the context of uni applications and UCAS points. I have been dancing for 8 years and am currently in year 12. Next nov/dec I will be taking a dance exam in either grade 5 or 6(my teacher thinks I have a good shot of getting a merit/distinction in grade 5 but perhaps only a pass in grade 6) but as grade 6 gives you ucas points I was wondering whether I'd be better off going for grade 6 and getting a lower grade. Also, despite never doing lamda before, my teacher says that I can easily get ucas points by doing a grade 6 public speaking exam this summer.

Sorry for all the waffle but my question is, when applying to top universities, will having grade 6 in dance or LAMDA give me an advantage? Will these extra ucas points matter? Also, I won't recieve my dance results until after I've submitted my application, so will they still be considered?

Thank you!
Essentially, no it won't make a difference.

Firstly, many universities don't use the UCAS tariff/points system at all - notably most "top universities" do not use it at all and make offers directly based on grades (e.g. A*AA in three A-levels including XYZ subject(s)).

Secondly, even if these courses accrue tariff points AND the uni uses the UCAS points/tariff system, if they're totally unrelated to the course they may specify in their offer the UCAS points need to come from A-levels or specific subjects or similar.

Basically, these are things you should do if you want to do them, not because you think you'll get "bonus points" when applying to uni. If the latter is all you're interested in then just skip it because that's not how it works.
Original post by artful_lounger
Essentially, no it won't make a difference.

Firstly, many universities don't use the UCAS tariff/points system at all - notably most "top universities" do not use it at all and make offers directly based on grades (e.g. A*AA in three A-levels including XYZ subject(s)).

Secondly, even if these courses accrue tariff points AND the uni uses the UCAS points/tariff system, if they're totally unrelated to the course they may specify in their offer the UCAS points need to come from A-levels or specific subjects or similar.

Basically, these are things you should do if you want to do them, not because you think you'll get "bonus points" when applying to uni. If the latter is all you're interested in then just skip it because that's not how it works.

Thank you for your reply! It’s very helpful. I’m going to do a dance exam regardless but based on your reply it seems as though I don’t need to worry about doing a LAMDA one too. Thanks again!
As above - it might make a difference if you are applying for performance related courses at the sort of Unis that make offers in UCAS points. Otherwise, its pointless adding them to your UCAS application,
Original post by McGinger
As above - it might make a difference if you are applying for performance related courses at the sort of Unis that make offers in UCAS points. Otherwise, its pointless adding them to your UCAS application,

Thank you 😊

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