The Student Room Group

Graduate entry medicine funding SFW

Hi all so I know Graduate Entry Medicine courses are exceptions:

so, youcan still receive full funding even if you already have aqualification.

It works like this:

Tuition Fee Support

Year 1 The student will have toself fund the first £3465, however a tuition fee loan will beavailable for the remainder up to £5,785. If the studentwishes to borrow a tuition fee loan, please advise them toindicate amount of loan they wish to borrow in the LoanRequest Form.

Year 2-4 - The first £3,715 will be paid bythe Department of Health and a tuition fee loan will beavailable for the remainder of up to £5,535.


Year 1 The student can apply for a Full MeansTested Maintenance Loan and Supplementary Grants.

Year 2-4 The student is eligible to apply for the IncomeAssessed NHS Bursary and Supplementary Grantsfrom the NHS. They can only apply to Student FinanceEngland for a reduced rate Maintenance Loan.

But I heard the maximum you can get for maintenance is £5700 (which also gets reduced in the later years as reduced rate maintenance loan)? If that’s the case then how are people on the accelerated course expected to live? Rent alone will exhaust the maintenance loan! Is this correct or am I calculating wrong for student finance wales?
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
So I understand we would fund £3465 for the tuition fee ourselves, but the maintenance for actually living whilst doing the accelerated course doesn’t make sense, it’s reduced so that means we would need an extra couple thousand each year for surviving (food etc)? Therefore it seems we would actually be self funding far more than £3465 (to cover rent/food for each year)?
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,

You will receive a reduced rate Maintenance Loan as the NHS will help you with this also with the bursary.

Thanks, Drew

Hi Drew,

Many thanks for your quick response, how much is the reduced rate maintenance loan and how much would the bursary be, I believe the bursary is around £1000 and the reduced rate maintenance loan is around £5700 which would only cover the rent for the year?

Hi there,

Sorry I have just seen that you have said it is for Student Finance Wales. My response was for Student Finance England. I am not trained for Student Finance Wales and would advise you to call them.

0300 200 4050

Thanks, Drew

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