The Student Room Group

Might have forgetten to put one of my GCSE grades

Hello, I put all my GCSE grades that I did in Year 11 but I completely forgot to put one of my grades that I got the year before in Year 10. I've already applied and some unis have offered places. Should I call UCAS to change my qualifications or is it too late to do so? Reason I'm asking is because, I'm told that UCAS requires all qualifications.
You can use this online form to add the missing GCSE - Request to amend qualifications listed on your application | | UCAS
Reply 2
Thank you, by doing this, would this affect the existing offers that I have from universities?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by mskr710
Thank you, by doing this, would this affect the existing offers that I have from universities?

It shouldn’t do but you should let them know about the addition in writing (email).
Original post by McGinger
You can use this online form to add the missing GCSE - Request to amend qualifications listed on your application | | UCAS

Hi, I what should I do if I stated I got merit, but actually got a distinction in my art gcse? Would I jsut do the same, or is it different, as I need to change the units i did also. I also forgot to mention a unit, so will that count as well.
Original post by Pink turtles
Hi, I what should I do if I stated I got merit, but actually got a distinction in my art gcse? Would I jsut do the same, or is it different, as I need to change the units i did also. I also forgot to mention a unit, so will that count as well.

GCSEs are awarded letter or number grades, not merit or distinction. So if you added a gcse with a merit grade then you probably used the wrong qualification type.

You need to fill in the form to put the mistake right
As above, check the qualification names on the actual certificates and correct any mistakes using the online form.
GCSEs are awarded letter or number grades, not merit or distinction. So if you added a gcse with a merit grade then you probably used the wrong qualification type.

You need to fill in the form to put the mistake right

Sorry if i wasn't clear, I meant as in, I put it through for btech, and I put a merit when I was suppsoed to put distinction. But i mentioned that this was for GCSE grade, as in a level 2 btech, which is equivalent to a GCSE, but also, because it may seem like this was for my ALEVEL grade. So should I still fill out the form?
Original post by Pink turtles
Sorry if i wasn't clear, I meant as in, I put it through for btech, and I put a merit when I was suppsoed to put distinction. But i mentioned that this was for GCSE grade, as in a level 2 btech, which is equivalent to a GCSE, but also, because it may seem like this was for my ALEVEL grade. So should I still fill out the form?

If you entered it incorrectly in any way, yes, you need to complete the form.
Original post by Admit-One
If you entered it incorrectly in any way, yes, you need to complete the form.

Ah, okay, thank you!

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