The Student Room Group

Childcare Grant changes to payment method

Will the Childcare Grant catch up to paying upfront for childcare fees? The excuse for paying in arrears has been that Universal Credit is paid this way, but that was changed last year. Is CCG planning to catch up to reduce discrimination liability?
Reply 1
Original post by Kateburrans
Will the Childcare Grant catch up to paying upfront for childcare fees? The excuse for paying in arrears has been that Universal Credit is paid this way, but that was changed last year. Is CCG planning to catch up to reduce discrimination liability?

Hi Kate, do you mean will your funding be backdated once it's approved? Thanks, Jason
Reply 2
Hi apologies, I mean that the childcare grant only allows payment to be sent once the care has been given (I.e payments in arrears). Previously, SFE have stated that this is because you cannot pay for care that has not been given, as with the childcare aspect of universal credit.
However, last year universal credit reversed this and allowed for payments to be sent in advance as it was otherwise discriminatory to those who could not afford the upfront cost of nurseries. They accept that not many childcare providers allow payment in arrears.

I also have another question if that’s ok? I am trying to ‘plan’ finances in advance for next year and want to understand better how the award is given over the year. My nursery will prefer monthly invoices. How do I work out how much will be paid if the month not exactly 4 weeks? I’m trying to figure out what months may be 85% and what months may be the maximum amount of £193.62 based on weeks in the month. is the total amount awarded based on 52 weeks per year?
Hi Kateburrans,

If the Childcare provider wants paid on a monthly basis, they would be able to advise what they are charging you per month then it would be 85% of the amount they advise. The way the Childcare Grant is paid has not changed however if it does change we will certainly update you to let you know.

Thanks, Clare
Reply 4
Thank you. Apologies I’m receiving a lot of conflicting information and it’s becoming a headache as worrying about paying for childcare.
If my nursery was to claim a month at a time, what will they be required to invoice every month? Is it just putting in the cost of that previous months care? Or does it need to be split into weekly amounts? Also, does it need to list the exact hours used or can they just put down the cost of this?
Hi Kateburrans,

You would need to discuss this with the Childcare Grant Payment Service, if you call us on 0300 100 0607 we can transfer you through to them


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