The Student Room Group

Are my law university choices reasonable?

Cambridge (A*AA)
UCL (BBB-Contextual)
Warwick (AAB-Law+Sociology)
Bristol (A*AA)
Durham (AAB-Contextual)
My stats:

A Levels: I'm in Year 12 so i don't have predicted grades yet, but I believe I'm on track for A*AA.
Assuming i have a good PS+LNAT score are these choices reasonable?
If you're on track for A*AA then you're unlikely to achieve less than BBB, if you get the offer from UCL you should definitely put it as either your first or insurance choice as it's one of the best unis in the country and that's an extremely achievable offer from them
Reply 2
Original post by Username123ab
If you're on track for A*AA then you're unlikely to achieve less than BBB, if you get the offer from UCL you should definitely put it as either your first or insurance choice as it's one of the best unis in the country and that's an extremely achievable offer from them

yeah UCL has always been my dream uni and i’d definitely put it as my firm,but this post is mainly regarding the likelihood of even being offered places in the aforementioned universities in regards to my stats,so do you have any idea if i have a chance if such?
Reply 3
Original post by Bombatunde
yeah UCL has always been my dream uni and i’d definitely put it as my firm,but this post is mainly regarding the likelihood of even being offered places in the aforementioned universities in regards to my stats,so do you have any idea if i have a chance if such?

Your stats/predicted A-levels are completely fine for the universities here. To my knowledge Cambridge has less emphasis on GCSE's than Oxford, so your grades there shouldn't be a limiting factor when being considered for interview (not that they would necessarily be a limiting factor should you apply to Oxford).

Evidently you are a capable candidate, so you may already be aware of the following. But incase you haven't heard/started it already, I would suggest that you steadily work on developing your personal statement and practice for the LNAT alongside your A-Levels. A good PS demonstrates a candidates capability, and potential for success on the course. So read into areas of Law/Uni modules of interest to show off your passion/super-curricular. You can access such books, journals and articles for free on JSTOR. Of course, seek any relevant legal work experience if possible, or look to reconstruct any non-legal experience towards the skills that these Unis seek to develop on their course (think instances of analysis, problem deconstruction, logical reasoning etc.).

Your grades are more than solid, but your offer from the unis listed above will be contingent on these sitting alongside a good PS, and a high enough LNAT. Ensure you sensibly manage working on all three fronts. Best of luck!

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