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Does this girl like me?

Layla=girl i’m curious ab
sam=Laylas friend
couple school years ago Layla friends (sam wasn’t there) would always say that i had a crush on Layla when i didn’t even know her.

i saw Layla again couple years later. Here is story:
2 guys sat next to me & played board games. They asked if i wanted to play but i decided not too and Sam would sometimes join them. on picture day, i was in line to get in the building & noticed how Keya and Sam were out of the line then i saw them go behind me in line. When i go inside there was another line & when i was about to take a photo, Keya got out of the line & was staring right me while smiling like this. 🙂

I glanced back & she continued staring. I glanced again and she looked away while smiling and ran her finger through her hair. I got nervous and got up & was about to go, the camera man told me he wasn’t done tho

i got to class & my aquitance randomly asked “if everything was alright” i said yeah.(i think she spoke to him?) also after this he would say how i get girls. A day after that weirdly,One of sams friends sat at my seat so i moved seats & keya decided to join sam with others playing board games.

3 months later I’m walking to school without realizing she was walking infront of me (facing my direction and walking other way) and i was staring off too space at her and she was smiling like this 😃.

Another time i saw her face faced down at her desk while seated and i was standing far & i glance at her for a sec & see she is looking up at me with corner of her eye. She said she wanted to talk to quiet people outloud & im quiet.

Once I was talking to someone and laughing & she was looking at me while smiling like this 😃 . Then i turned back to my desk and i look back again and she is still staring at my direction but she stared away quickly when i look back. another time she tried to almost look back at my direction but i was staring at the direction 1st, so she turned her head back
Reply 1
i forgot to change all “keya” names to layla btw sorry
Original post by Anonymous #1
i forgot to change all “keya” names to layla btw sorry
Hi there
Why do not you ask her?
Reply 3
Original post by Ackhnologia
Hi there
Why do not you ask her?
she probably wouldn’t say the real reason and i never spoke to her before and i’m afaird of being seen as a weirdo. I know these “signs” could mean anything but i’m just asking what anyone here could possibly think
Original post by Anonymous #1
she probably wouldn’t say the real reason and i never spoke to her before and i’m afaird of being seen as a weirdo. I know these “signs” could mean anything but i’m just asking what anyone here could possibly think
We could give it a guess but only her has the answers to your questions.
Why not try to break the ice with her and see where it goes?
Of course that is if you like her.
Reply 5
Original post by Ackhnologia
We could give it a guess but only her has the answers to your questions.
Why not try to break the ice with her and see where it goes?
Of course that is if you like her.
Idk how to randomly approach her and talk to her without making it awkward honeslty. What do i even say and it’s worst when there’s so much people around that are listening. I could try tho. Also can you atleast say what you think if she likes me or not.
Reply 6
Original post by Ackhnologia
We could give it a guess but only her has the answers to your questions.
Why not try to break the ice with her and see where it goes?
Of course that is if you like her.
Idk how to randomly approach her and talk to her without making it awkward honeslty. What do i even say and it’s worst when there’s so much people around that are listening. I could try tho. Also can you atleast say what you think if she likes me or not.
Original post by fartface100
Idk how to randomly approach her and talk to her without making it awkward honeslty. What do i even say and it’s worst when there’s so much people around that are listening. I could try tho. Also can you atleast say what you think if she likes me or not.
I could tell you that based on what you wrote she doesn't like you, while she does like actually. I could tell you that she does like you, while she does not actually. I am not in her head. I am not her. Every woman is different. I cannot say if she likes you or not.
But based on what you wrote, she seems curious about you. Or perhaps it is just coincidence that you catch her staring at you.

The only way to know is for you to try talking to her. You can just wait when you have the opportunity to be alone with her, to start a conversation.
Reply 8
Original post by Ackhnologia
I could tell you that based on what you wrote she doesn't like you, while she does like actually. I could tell you that she does like you, while she does not actually. I am not in her head. I am not her. Every woman is different. I cannot say if she likes you or not.
But based on what you wrote, she seems curious about you. Or perhaps it is just coincidence that you catch her staring at you.

The only way to know is for you to try talking to her. You can just wait when you have the opportunity to be alone with her, to start a conversation.
alright what should i say after i say “hi”
Original post by Anonymous #1
alright what should i say after i say “hi”
I do not know
Try to find something you could talk about with her
Maybe tell her you would like to be friends with her.
Original post by Anonymous #1
alright what should i say after i say “hi”
Maybe just talk about smth you have in common. For example if you’re in the same class then you could bring something up to do with that??
If u like her, get to know her and ask her out. If u don’t, ignore her
Original post by Anonymous
she probably wouldn’t say the real reason and i never spoke to her before and i’m afaird of being seen as a weirdo. I know these “signs” could mean anything but i’m just asking what anyone here could possibly think

People can be weird but talking is a good start. She might make it even more obvious. I had problems with guys thinking i liked them when i didnt. I think chat first. Strike up a convo and then see how she takes it. if you talk of other girls and she gets upset. it will be obvious.
Reply 13
Original post by Anonymous
If u like her, get to know her and ask her out. If u don’t, ignore her

this is a old post I graduated now i won’t see her again so don’t worry about it anymore
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous
People can be weird but talking is a good start. She might make it even more obvious. I had problems with guys thinking i liked them when i didnt. I think chat first. Strike up a convo and then see how she takes it. if you talk of other girls and she gets upset. it will be obvious.

Eh it’s too late now lol I won’t see her again
Can you get her number and message her. Leave the ball in her court. It takes a couple of months to get to know someone so its not that feasilble. But she would have asked for yours so I am not sure anymore.Some girls are good at dropping hints so if she didnt then perhaps leave it. I think that it wont harm to send a text. It does take a few weeks of chatting to romance to bloom usually.
Original post by Anonymous
Eh it’s too late now lol I won’t see her again

Cant really tell. haha its a really old post.
Reply 17
Original post by Anonymous
Can you get her number and message her. Leave the ball in her court. It takes a couple of months to get to know someone so its not that feasilble. But she would have asked for yours so I am not sure anymore.Some girls are good at dropping hints so if she didnt then perhaps leave it. I think that it wont harm to send a text. It does take a few weeks of chatting to romance to bloom usually.

don’t have there number I’m not seeing them anymore It doesn’t really matter anymore tbh

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