Layla=girl i’m curious ab
sam=Laylas friend
couple school years ago Layla friends (sam wasn’t there) would always say that i had a crush on Layla when i didn’t even know her.
i saw Layla again couple years later. Here is story:
2 guys sat next to me & played board games. They asked if i wanted to play but i decided not too and Sam would sometimes join them. on picture day, i was in line to get in the building & noticed how Keya and Sam were out of the line then i saw them go behind me in line. When i go inside there was another line & when i was about to take a photo, Keya got out of the line & was staring right me while smiling like this. 🙂
I glanced back & she continued staring. I glanced again and she looked away while smiling and ran her finger through her hair. I got nervous and got up & was about to go, the camera man told me he wasn’t done tho
i got to class & my aquitance randomly asked “if everything was alright” i said yeah.(i think she spoke to him?) also after this he would say how i get girls. A day after that weirdly,One of sams friends sat at my seat so i moved seats & keya decided to join sam with others playing board games.
3 months later I’m walking to school without realizing she was walking infront of me (facing my direction and walking other way) and i was staring off too space at her and she was smiling like this 😃.
Another time i saw her face faced down at her desk while seated and i was standing far & i glance at her for a sec & see she is looking up at me with corner of her eye. She said she wanted to talk to quiet people outloud & im quiet.
Once I was talking to someone and laughing & she was looking at me while smiling like this 😃 . Then i turned back to my desk and i look back again and she is still staring at my direction but she stared away quickly when i look back. another time she tried to almost look back at my direction but i was staring at the direction 1st, so she turned her head back