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What are you doing this Easter holidays

Tell me your Easter holiday plans!
What is everyone up to?

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Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Tell me your Easter holiday plans!
What is everyone up to?

The week beginning easter monday i have off work.
I might be going on holiday with my sister.
Reply 2
Reply 3
Working and volunteering.
Reply 4
I haven't thought of it yet as I have another travel planned out for the first week of April :grin:
Long weekend off work and will be going to 2 Championship football matches 🦉💙🤍
Original post by Emma:-)
The week beginning easter monday i have off work.
I might be going on holiday with my sister.
lovely. where do you think you might go?
Original post by Emma:-)
The week beginning easter monday i have off work.
I might be going on holiday with my sister.
Oh wow where are you going!
Original post by sadfailure
Hi there
Remember to take a rest as well as revise!

Best wishes
Original post by londonmyst
Working and volunteering.
Hi there
Oh amazing where are you volunteering!

Best wishes
Original post by quakyducky
I haven't thought of it yet as I have another travel planned out for the first week of April :grin:
Hi there
That’s so exciting! Where are you thinking of going?
Best wishes
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Hi there
Remember to take a rest as well as revise!
Best wishes
Haha thankyou Emily!
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Oh wow where are you going!

Might be going to st lucia. Then again i might not be. Depending on if my sister can get the holiday or not (she is a travel agent).
Original post by Emma:-)
Might be going to st lucia. Then again i might not be. Depending on if my sister can get the holiday or not (she is a travel agent).
wow amazing!
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Tell me your Easter holiday plans!
What is everyone up to?
crying bc i don't know any content
Reply 15
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Tell me your Easter holiday plans!
What is everyone up to?
Preparing for GCSEs
Original post by Emma:-)
Might be going to st lucia. Then again i might not be. Depending on if my sister can get the holiday or not (she is a travel agent).

Hi there,
Hope you get to go !!
Best wishes
Original post by cherrycosmos
crying bc i don't know any content

Hi there
What a mood! Hear you loud and clear.
YouTube videos are my saviour when I don’t know the content. Maybe try those ?
What are you studying ?
Original post by ggbot
Preparing for GCSEs

How do you feel about them ?
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Hi there
What a mood! Hear you loud and clear.
YouTube videos are my saviour when I don’t know the content. Maybe try those ?
What are you studying ?

I'm doing computer science, maths and business. idk how to revise for business its so hard

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