The Student Room Group

sheffield accomodation crewe flats

hi, i have been looking at accomodation in sheffield for next year, definitely want to stay in endcliffe but was thinking maybe shared bathrooms since it's so much cheaper - does anyone have any information about crewe flats at all as i can't find much online? or if you think any of the other shared bathroom accomodations are better? i want to live somewhere fairly social!
Reply 1
Hi! I don’t know much about Crewe flats but I know someone from crescent flats and they’re really happy with it. The only downside they said is the fact it’s out of the way since it’s at the top of Endcliffe, so you lose a bit of the social aspect, but it’s not a major issue
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #1
hi, i have been looking at accomodation in sheffield for next year, definitely want to stay in endcliffe but was thinking maybe shared bathrooms since it's so much cheaper - does anyone have any information about crewe flats at all as i can't find much online? or if you think any of the other shared bathroom accomodations are better? i want to live somewhere fairly social!
Hey, I've also been considering the Crewe flats for next year and here's some information I gathered:

10-4 people per flat (The building is pretty old, so the size and shape of rooms/flats is very inconsistent)
£5,486.04 - £5,862.04 (for 2024-25)
All rooms have shared bathrooms (No ensuite options)
Most rooms come with washbasins (Some rooms cant facilitate these, and thus have cheaper rent)

There are three main colour schemes for the rooms; grey, dark blue and mint green. Most the rooms in flats A-G are blue (some are green, such as D6-10). Rooms vary in size, but flats H/I are usually smaller, and M/P/S are typically larger. Flats L/K are a bit of a trek from the main entrance, which can be a pain with moving in since there are no elevators. Some flats stretch across multiple floors, whereas some are localised to just one (e.g. L, which stays on the second floor)

The Crewe flats has a small laundrette detached from the one at the Endcliffe village. There is a large garden, with a tennis court and an indoor table-tennis. A bike shed is adjacent to the end of the parking lot, but I wouldn't place bets on how safe your belongings will be. Historically, the building acted as a Warden's house meaning that there is a cellar/dungeon 👻.

The Botanical gardens are just across the road, the Edge is a 5 minute walk away and the SU is about a 20. Because the Crewe isn't at the heart of Endcliffe village, its sometimes forgotten by management and some say that it isn't as social. However, in most years the community is very strong and is just as, if not more, sociable than other residences.

Hope this helps. 👍
Reply 3
Hey, I've also been considering the Crewe flats for next year and here's some information I gathered:

10-4 people per flat (The building is pretty old, so the size and shape of rooms/flats is very inconsistent)
£5,486.04 - £5,862.04 (for 2024-25)
All rooms have shared bathrooms (No ensuite options)
Most rooms come with washbasins (Some rooms cant facilitate these, and thus have cheaper rent)

There are three main colour schemes for the rooms; grey, dark blue and mint green. Most the rooms in flats A-G are blue (some are green, such as D6-10). Rooms vary in size, but flats H/I are usually smaller, and M/P/S are typically larger. Flats L/K are a bit of a trek from the main entrance, which can be a pain with moving in since there are no elevators. Some flats stretch across multiple floors, whereas some are localised to just one (e.g. L, which stays on the second floor)

The Crewe flats has a small laundrette detached from the one at the Endcliffe village. There is a large garden, with a tennis court and an indoor table-tennis. A bike shed is adjacent to the end of the parking lot, but I wouldn't place bets on how safe your belongings will be. Historically, the building acted as a Warden's house meaning that there is a cellar/dungeon 👻.

The Botanical gardens are just across the road, the Edge is a 5 minute walk away and the SU is about a 20. Because the Crewe isn't at the heart of Endcliffe village, its sometimes forgotten by management and some say that it isn't as social. However, in most years the community is very strong and is just as, if not more, sociable than other residences.

Hope this helps. 👍
hey, how did you find all this my friend?? also i'm thinking abt crewe too, and wondering if you know anything else about H/I? what floor, wall colour etc. i definitely want a smaller room so if you know any other smaller flats that'd be appreciated as well :-) thank u detective!
Reply 4
Hey, I've also been considering the Crewe flats for next year and here's some information I gathered:

10-4 people per flat (The building is pretty old, so the size and shape of rooms/flats is very inconsistent)
£5,486.04 - £5,862.04 (for 2024-25)
All rooms have shared bathrooms (No ensuite options)
Most rooms come with washbasins (Some rooms cant facilitate these, and thus have cheaper rent)

There are three main colour schemes for the rooms; grey, dark blue and mint green. Most the rooms in flats A-G are blue (some are green, such as D6-10). Rooms vary in size, but flats H/I are usually smaller, and M/P/S are typically larger. Flats L/K are a bit of a trek from the main entrance, which can be a pain with moving in since there are no elevators. Some flats stretch across multiple floors, whereas some are localised to just one (e.g. L, which stays on the second floor)

The Crewe flats has a small laundrette detached from the one at the Endcliffe village. There is a large garden, with a tennis court and an indoor table-tennis. A bike shed is adjacent to the end of the parking lot, but I wouldn't place bets on how safe your belongings will be. Historically, the building acted as a Warden's house meaning that there is a cellar/dungeon 👻.

The Botanical gardens are just across the road, the Edge is a 5 minute walk away and the SU is about a 20. Because the Crewe isn't at the heart of Endcliffe village, its sometimes forgotten by management and some say that it isn't as social. However, in most years the community is very strong and is just as, if not more, sociable than other residences.

Hope this helps. 👍
that’s very helpful, thank you!!
do you know anything about the living room/kitchen areas at all? was wondering if it had both a kitchen/dining area and an area with sofas like the newer flats
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #2
Mostly off Student Room threads, random reviews, odd forums and YouTube videos (which there aren't many of). I did get the chance to visit student accommodations during an offer holder day yesterday, but Crewe flats weren't having tours so I couldn't look inside.

I believe flats H are towards the back of the Crewe flats, near the laundrette (Maybe it also encompasses the Bishops house?). I can't give you specifics because I only know this from word of mouth, so hopefully there'll be some additional info once self-selection opens. But I believe that all rooms have the same rent, and the only deciding factor is whether or not they have a washbasin. More than likely H/I flats will be mint green or grey coloured. I believe the rooms are also carpeted, (some older posts mention hardwood floors, but maybe its been changed).

Extra info links:
Student Crowd Reviews
Warden's House Heritage
Garden Heritage
Heritage Forum
Old thread 1
Old thread 2
New thread 1
New thread 2
New thread 3

Bishop's house exterior
Bishop's house exterior
Main Crewe exterior
Main Crewe exterior
Table Tennis
Tennis Courts
Old red room
Old red room 2
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #1
that’s very helpful, thank you!!
do you know anything about the living room/kitchen areas at all? was wondering if it had both a kitchen/dining area and an area with sofas like the newer flats
Apparently the kitchens are a bit smaller than in other Sheffield accommodations, and sometimes instead of a sofa they have a large table. I think this is the case for flats where there are more inhabitants (10), but because of how weird the Crewe flats are, its mostly a luck of the draw what you get. I do believe some flats have a communal area with a sofa, just that this is more of a rarity.
Original post by Anonymous
that’s very helpful, thank you!!
do you know anything about the living room/kitchen areas at all? was wondering if it had both a kitchen/dining area and an area with sofas like the newer flats
Hi, i'm living in crewe now (E). The flats don't come with a living room so no couches, however there one communal room at the front where post is left that has a fireplace and 3 sofas; however i have seen it used once this year and that was for collecting keys. They do have kitchens and a dining table but that's it.
Original post by faye_cookson
Hi, i'm living in crewe now (E). The flats don't come with a living room so no couches, however there one communal room at the front where post is left that has a fireplace and 3 sofas; however i have seen it used once this year and that was for collecting keys. They do have kitchens and a dining table but that's it.

Hi, is crewe still quite a social accommodation? And is it quite loud and busy? Do you know how it compares to vale and cresent flats?
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, is crewe still quite a social accommodation? And is it quite loud and busy? Do you know how it compares to vale and cresent flats?

id say its not really that social since its slightly out of the way of endcliffe village where everyone else is, so quite nice if you wanted a more quieter spot but still close by. Vale flats are really nice but crescent flats are very dark and dingy (in real need of a new coat of paint) however are in the central village so more social. If its social and shared bathrooms youre looking for id look into the endcliffe houses that are in the village still but they are massive houses of 12 or so people that are very social.

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