The Student Room Group

Changing student finance course

Hi all
I have applied for student finance but haven’t firmed any options yet. I would like to change my course on the details section however it is telling me to send a letter. Isn’t this normally done on the website?

It may be because my application is still processing tho so I’m not sure
Original post by YuccefTheKurd
Hi all
I have applied for student finance but haven’t firmed any options yet. I would like to change my course on the details section however it is telling me to send a letter. Isn’t this normally done on the website?

It may be because my application is still processing tho so I’m not sure

It probably is because it is still processing. Course changes don't take long to action so wait for your application to be processed and then change it. Lots of students have to update their course and uni details after results day so it isn't an issue at this stage.
Reply 2
Original post by normaw
It probably is because it is still processing. Course changes don't take long to action so wait for your application to be processed and then change it. Lots of students have to update their course and uni details after results day so it isn't an issue at this stage.

hello there, i submitted my application for student finance but i want to change the university, its asking to fill out a form and send it to them but it will take about 6 weeks to process. I don't know anything about the outcome of my application yet because i literally just submitted it and decided that i wanted to change my mind after the submission. Should i wait? fill out the form and send it to them or just call them and see whether i can change it through the phone call?

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