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I study Medicine abroad. Ask Me Anything!

Hi, I study Medicine abroad. Currently in my third 3rd year. Feel free to ask any questions about studying abroad :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, I study Medicine abroad. Currently in my third 3rd year. Feel free to ask any questions about studying abroad :smile:

Which country/uni are you studying in?
Reply 2
Original post by humo99
Which country/uni are you studying in?

Georgia, tiblisi
Reply 3
I recommend medenteurope, they help out a lot with enrolment, accommodation etc -I think they’re still around. In terms of entrance exams, uni’s in Georgia don’t require you to sit them. I don’t think you need great a level grades to get in, but definitely need decentish grades bc you’re still studying medicine at the end of the day.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 5
how are you financing the course? is the course in English? why did you decide t study abroad? thanks and hope you’re enjoying your studies
Reply 6
Have to finance it myself, it’s a lot cheaper than the UK, almost half. The course is in English, there’s a lot of UK students in Georgia. I decided to study abroad bc I didn’t get a spot in the UK and didn’t really want to take a gap year.
what about your social life there? do people there speaks English? and how much is the living cost? how did you apply?
Original post by momomo1234
Have to finance it myself, it’s a lot cheaper than the UK, almost half. The course is in English, there’s a lot of UK students in Georgia. I decided to study abroad bc I didn’t get a spot in the UK and didn’t really want to take a gap year.

How much does it cost per year? Is it POC friendly??? I've heard many horror stories of racism outside the UK ☹️
Reply 9
Original post by jamesharris2005
what about your social life there? do people there speaks English? and how much is the living cost? how did you apply?

There’s a lot of UK students, it costs around £500-600 per month - I applied through Medent Europe
Original post by Anonymous
How much does it cost per year? Is it POC friendly??? I've heard many horror stories of racism outside the UK ☹️

Yeah it’s fine, we’re mostly surrounded by students and whatnot from the UK anyway so no problem really.
Reply 11
does ur uni accept resits and do they need an minimum previous grade?
Reply 12
I think so, just speak to the agency they’ll know
Reply 13
Could you give me a link or a contact for the agency?
Reply 14
Original post by Owls1999
Could you give me a link or a contact for the agency?
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I study Medicine abroad. Currently in my third 3rd year. Feel free to ask any questions about studying abroad :smile:

What did you get for your A levels, and what did you take?
Did you find chemistry hard?
Is there a way to get to medicine without chemistry A level?
As I really struggle

Did you have to retake any year in your lifetime?

What are you hoping to become?
Iam really intrested to know
Thank you!

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