The Student Room Group

Sainsbury sick policy

Does anyone else think Sainsbury’s sickness policy atrocious in a rolling period of 12 months I have been sick 5 times but that number will erase to 3 as my previous two sicknesses were a year ago next month and month after. And I currently have what it looks like COVID and I just feel awful I don’t know how I have managed two 8 hours shift this week with another to come what do I do. I am on a final written warning for this but I can’t help it.
Without knowing it, what is their sick policy and why do you think it's atrocious?
Reply 2
Original post by Surnia
Without knowing it, what is their sick policy and why do you think it's atrocious?

So in a 12 month rolling period your only allowed to take 3 sicknesses within that timeframe, as a human-being there’ll be more instances and cases of being sick and ill especially more than 3 times that you cant work and you need to take off as sick but the stages of warnings issued to you as part of a discolinary meetings your put forward to increases depending how many currently on a final written warning out of first, second and final next 2 sicknesses erase down to 3 taking a sickness now increases to 4 but that’s not bad with what looks like Covid I don’t know what to do.
Reply 3
Many organisations have very strict sickness policies which are completely legal.

Generally they are transparent about how they operate. They publish them and communicate them to their employees.

If you feel they are not complying with their policies or are illegal, then consult with your Union if you are a member or get advice from Acas.

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