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Reply 1
Is that meant to say with protection? Or should it be without? If it's without then definitely that
If not... probably the smoking
I think it's gross, it's actively killing yourself and my family have naturally addictive natures...
Reply 2
Is that meant to say with protection? Or should it be without? If it's without then definitely that
If not... probably the smoking
I think it's gross, it's actively killing yourself and my family have naturally addictive natures...

No. Meant to say 'with'. I voted smoking although i've been known to have a cheekyone from time to time.
Reply 3
Lol yeh me too :p:
Reply 4
If my baby did any of those I'd kill him!
Reply 5
Actually what am I on it's still the sleeping around anyway
That's grosser than smoking
I'd be more worried as a parent about teh smoking cos it's gonna kill him
But yucky sleeping around
No sex before marriage!!!!
Reply 6
very limited "about read a book"
Thats a difficult one, i'm still tryimg to think which one to vote. basically if my son was 21 and he wanted to sleep around as long as he used protection and wasn't in a longterm steady realtionship i guess its his choice, but then as a parent of an adult of that age you can't really stop them you can only advise them. After their kids turn 18 parents merely become spectators on their childrens lives.
I put taking E one night a week....

IMO it's much more risky than anything else on there and I think my parents would definitely be most mad at me for that!
Reply 9
But yucky sleeping around
No sex before marriage!!!!

im so glad u aint my parent
Reply 10
huh I can't believe none of you have said taking E one night a week! One pill could kill you, quite easily. :eek:

edit: ok, just voted and I spoke too soon, sorry!
Reply 11
What because I think it's yucky to have masses of sex with people you don't love?!
I'm not saying I'd stop him
I couldn't
But seriously you think your parents would like to know you're *checks sex* feckin random pussy every night of the week??
The before marriage was slightly ironic
ecstasy...def :eek:
Reply 13
What because I think it's yucky to have masses of sex with people you don't love?!
I'm not saying I'd stop him
I couldn't
But seriously you think your parents would like to know you're *checks sex* feckin random pussy every night of the week??
The before marriage was slightly ironic

mum wud b pissed off. dad wud be proud.
Reply 14
ecstasy...def :eek:

agreed think id be most worried about the e's and also the steroids...... suppoe drinking smoking and sex are all up to him when he's old enough all you can do is perhaps give him advice and respect his decisions but the E and the Steroids cross the boundry of having a good time into plain stupidity
personally id be pissed off with him if he was takin drugs xoxo
Reply 16
mum wud b pissed off. dad wud be proud.

Reply 17
Probz the oral anabolic steroids....i kno that if you know what youre doing, and cycle them and all they can be safe, but i fink the oral ones are meant to be worse for you. Apparantly oral ones can be v toxic for the liver (much worse than injections). If not this, then the 20 fags a day. :smile:
Reply 18
Probz the oral anabolic steroids....i kno that if you know what youre doing, and cycle them and all they can be safe, but i fink the oral ones are meant to be worse for you. Apparantly oral ones can be v toxic for the liver (much worse than injections). If not this, then the 20 fags a day. :smile:

so is getting pissed all the time. taking Milk Thistle from H and B reduces risk on dianabol M1T cycles for example.
Reply 19
If he was 21 i'd let him do what the hell he wanted, probably have ot be the E one night though as a responsible person.