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what is short for guys? Also how long did you wait?

Ok i've just started seeing a guy, thing is i'm 5'9 and he is either the same hieght or an inch or 2 taller...i can't tell cos i'm either wearing one inch heels when i see him or my converse..which probably add another inch! Anyway im usually looking very slighty up at him and when we are sitting down he's always higher than me (if that makes sense). Anyway tht probably makes him 5'10 ? DO you think this is short...especially since im soo tall?? My type is usually really tall dudes and even my friends were suprised when they found out i liked him...but i really fancy this guy and we get on really well.

Also on a totally different long did u wait till you slept your current/previous partner? i've been seeing this guy for 3weeks and i have no intention of jumping into bed with him anytime soon but i was talking about it with my friend slept with her boyf of 3 years on the 2nd date, another after 6 months another after 3months (all of them were virgins)...i know it totally depends on how close and comfortable you feel with the person ur with...just wondered about everyone else? :smile:

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Reply 1
Average height for men is 5ft 10 so he is OK
Reply 2
Average height is 5'8" for males, 5'5" for females.

As for when you should sleep with him - whenever you feel like it. What did you want to hear?
Reply 3
Ermmmmmm about the height thing, average height for men in UK IS 5ft 10, 5ft 8 will be considered as short or are you talking about average men's height from another country?
Reply 4
5'8? blimey i taller than the average , nothing really, i just wanted to know how long other people have generally waited tbh..


nope just england! :smile:
As long as he's over 4 inches, you're good.

I'm 6'5. Grah.
I'm 5ft9 and when I'm out with my male friends or in school, I feel so inadequate, but they're not even that tall - even an inch makes all the difference :eek:
Reply 7
Hehe! my boyfriends 5'4... but im only 5ft so its all good! :biggrin:

Um we waited 4 weeks but we'd been friends for months before we started going out so we felt very comfortable with each other.
I'm 5ft 9 but have a thing for short guys :redface:
It can be a bit embarassing at times but to be honest I think it must be worse for the guy hehe.
I don't think you shouldn't get with someone just because they're a teensy bit shorter though.
5ft 8.

It's not the size that matters but how you use it :wink:
Reply 10
umm i think shortness is all relative? 5'10'' certainly isn't short in my books... but then i'm 5'3'' and am fine with any guy who is about 5'6'' plus. if you really fancy him, don't worry about how tall he is!! i
5ft 8.

It's not the size that matters but how you use it :wink:

Oui :wink:
Reply 12
Ok i've just started seeing a guy, thing is i'm 5'9 and he is either the same hieght or an inch or 2 taller...i can't tell cos i'm either wearing one inch heels when i see him or my converse..which probably add another inch! Anyway im usually looking very slighty up at him and when we are sitting down he's always higher than me (if that makes sense). Anyway tht probably makes him 5'10 ? DO you think this is short...especially since im soo tall?? My type is usually really tall dudes and even my friends were suprised when they found out i liked him...but i really fancy this guy and we get on really well. :smile:

5'10 is not short thats average i would say,
and i think a couple who are pretty much the same height is quite good, no strain on the neck for iver of you :wink:
Reply 13
Also on a totally different long did u wait till you slept your current/previous partner? i've been seeing this guy for 3weeks and i have no intention of jumping into bed with him anytime soon but i was talking about it with my friend slept with her boyf of 3 years on the 2nd date, another after 6 months another after 3months (all of them were virgins)...i know it totally depends on how close and comfortable you feel with the person ur with...just wondered about everyone else?

i waited just under a month with my exe and let me tell you it wasn;t worth the wait lol

but you have to feel totally confident in yourself so whenever you feel ready to you can;t force yourself into something as you just won't enjoy it if you do that!!
Reply 14
I usually let the girl decide how long till we have sex, I never put any pressure on them.
First girlfriend was after bout 4 months
My ex we didn’t before we were going out
Girlfriend now was after 3 weeks. :biggrin:
Reply 15
anyone shorter than me is short in my eyes!

and it depends, when I was 16 it was such a big deal to wait, now its like "i can't wait to get your kit off!!"
Reply 16
Ok i've just started seeing a guy, thing is i'm 5'9 and he is either the same hieght or an inch or 2 taller...i can't tell cos i'm either wearing one inch heels when i see him or my converse..which probably add another inch! Anyway im usually looking very slighty up at him and when we are sitting down he's always higher than me (if that makes sense). Anyway tht probably makes him 5'10 ? DO you think this is short...especially since im soo tall?? My type is usually really tall dudes and even my friends were suprised when they found out i liked him...but i really fancy this guy and we get on really well.

Also on a totally different long did u wait till you slept your current/previous partner? i've been seeing this guy for 3weeks and i have no intention of jumping into bed with him anytime soon but i was talking about it with my friend slept with her boyf of 3 years on the 2nd date, another after 6 months another after 3months (all of them were virgins)...i know it totally depends on how close and comfortable you feel with the person ur with...just wondered about everyone else? :smile:

I'd say that 6" or taller is good, but as for being "too short" basically anyone my height or shorter. (I am 5'5"/5'6".) (My boyfriend is 6'4"!)

As for your second question, I am still waiting.
Reply 17
I am 5'6-7". Pretty short for a guy actually, but taller than most women I know, so I'm not embarrassingly short. However I subconsciously don't want to end up dating a girl whose taller than me, I don't think my alpha male pride could take it. I waited about 4-5 months to have sex with my first girlfriend, but with others it was a far shorter period of waiting.
Reply 18
I'm 5"3:frown: i hate my height, it's so bloody short!:hmpf:

your bf is fine
Reply 19
height shouldnt matter if you really like him. on ur 2nd question, just go with the flow, you will know when it is right! goodluck!