The Student Room Group

driving instructor

hi guys, well, i passed my test a few weeks back, and i found that i got on realy well with my instructor, we always chatted and had a luagh, from what i know he is single, and sometimes i realy did get that feeling he sort of liked me to, any way, i got hold of him the other night saying could he just give me an extra lesson for night driving as i could do with some exp on that and i thought it would be a good reason to meet up again, and his responce was sorry he dosnt work nights and i best doing thatmyself, so i was a bit upset about that, any way a few minuites later i rang back again saying could we keep in touch as we got on, and he said we could if i wanted to, but he did stutter a bit when he said that, so i dont know what that meens, and he said leave it to him and he will sort something out, so i dont know if thats a plotite way of saying get lost and dont call him again, it just seems odd that when i had my lessons he was always saying im one of the good ones, and when i turnd up to a lesson, with a male friend walking with me, his look was of complete jelousy, and whenever i talked about my friends, he always went jelous looking and sounding, and i could tell sometimes he liked me to, so does any one have any answers for me

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Reply 1
Full stops help comprehension.
Reply 2
Oh, and it sounds like you're a silly girl with a crush and imagining things. For god's sake, play it cool - he's probably married and you're probably just embarassing yourself.
umm maybe, why ot just ask him out striahgt up lol but i dunno if thats the best thing to do
from what i know he is single,

From what you know is a mistake, if you're not sure = :nn:.

and sometimes i realy did get that feeling he sort of liked me to, any way


i got hold of him the other night saying could he just give me an extra lesson for night driving as i could do with some exp on that and i thought it would be a good reason to meet up again

Woah, that's ... :eek:. That's nearly borderline psycho.

i had my lessons he was always saying im one of the good ones

Ok? :confused:

I had a lesson today and i was doing a manoevure and the instructor said 'that's good', it never occured to me that he was coming on to me. Driving Instructors encourage you to perform, that doesn't mean that they fancy you. ^o)

and when i turnd up to a lesson, with a male friend walking with me, his look was of complete jelousy, and whenever i talked about my friends, he always went jelous looking and sounding,

What look is jealousy? :confused:
And how do you 'looking and sounding' jealousy?
He might just have been pissed off that you were being distracted.
Reply 5
hi, yes i did ask if he wanted to keep in touch, and the answer was yes if i wanted to and leave it to him and he will sort somethng out. but i dont know if that was a nice way of saying get lost and dont call again, but i suppose he could of said no becuase he dosnt keep in touch with his pupals. what do you think
Reply 6
hi, yes i did ask if he wanted to keep in touch, and the answer was yes if i wanted to and leave it to him and he will sort somethng out. but i dont know if that was a nice way of saying get lost and dont call again, but i suppose he could of said no becuase he dosnt keep in touch with his pupals. what do you think

I know it doesn't matter but can I ask how old is he?:redface: He might be married are you sure its not just a crush. Anyway he might have just found another girl for the time being or is planning to get back to you. How long has it been?
Reply 7
hi, yes i did ask if he wanted to keep in touch, and the answer was yes if i wanted to and leave it to him and he will sort somethng out.

He's probably assuming that you want another set of lessons.
Reply 8
well, i do know hes not married, but i dont know if he has a partner, in the whole year he teached me he never mentioned having a partner, and he talked about alot of things, so i would of thought he would of mentiond something along the lines, he talked about family etc, he is about late 30,s, and it was two days ago when i called, so there is still loads of time, but i realy dont know if him saying to me leave it to him and he will sort something out, is a nice way of saying get lost
Reply 9
well, i do know hes not married, but i dont know if he has a partner, in the whole year he teached me he never mentioned having a partner, and he talked about alot of things, so i would of thought he would of mentiond something along the lines, he talked about family etc, he is about late 30,s, and it was two days ago when i called, so there is still loads of time, but i realy dont know if him saying to me leave it to him and he will sort something out, is a nice way of saying get lost

Late 30s...and you're, what, 17? Silly girl. He probably is saying get lost. Move on, get over it.
Reply 10
lol, know im 26
Reply 11 just...used...know...*has heart attack*
Reply 12
lol, no im 26
Reply 13
Poica just...used...know...*has heart attack*

lol, she might be dyslexic though.
Reply 14
no im not dyslexic lol, but do you think, him saying leave it to him and he will sort something out is a nice way of saying get lost and dont call again
Reply 15
no im not dyslexic lol, but do you think, him saying leave it to him and he will sort something out is a nice way of saying get lost and dont call again

To be brutally honest; probably, yeah.
maybe you should leave it, you called him twice its up to him to get back to you now :rolleyes:
Reply 17
just let him phone you back. dont go and phone him he may think you are stalking him, even though you got on well with him, he may have been like that just to relax you i guess. dont read too much into
Id say you were extremely desperate
:rolleyes: There must be something about driving instructors! At the driving school that I learnt with, one of the instructors went off with one of his pupils in her lessons to "have his way with her" ^o) .....

She got pregnant....

It made front page news.....

....And he still charged her for the lessons :eek: lol


(not saying that's the same as you obviously, it just reminded me)