The Student Room Group

Should I stop seeing him?

Ok so I met this boy a month ago. We met a few times and then ended up at his place and kissed. It was my first kiss. We have met twice since then and now everytime we kiss I feel nothing. Last time we saw each other I decided to end it because I didn’t feel like there was a connection. My problem here is that whenever I’m not him ( when I get home or am at school) he’s all I think about. I’m completely head over heels when he’s not around and then I decide to meet again and the same thing happens: I feel nothing. He makes plans about when I’m going to meet his friends and he keeps asking when he’s going to meet my family, he can’t stop talking about how much he likes me and how beautiful he thinks I am. When I have to leave he asks me to stay and keeps hugging me until the moment I REALLY have to leave. And I feel so bad because I’m not sure whether or not I like him. How long does it take to know for sure or should I just end it now even though I’m kinda into him? This decision is so hard to make because as I said whenever he’s not around I’m fantasizing and when he is around I feel bored and kind of uncomfortable. What should I do?
Okay so, I need you to relax first.
The reason many people ‘don’t feel anything’ (especially given that you’re telling me it was your first), is that you’re probably expecting too much.
TV and Movies usually overhype this by ALOT and one would probably end up overthinking if the same didn’t happen with him/her.
Don’t end it just because of that, especially if you feel if he’s a good guy.
If you’re atteacted to him, if he genuinely cares about you, respects you and makes you happy, then calm down. Kiss him because like him and the ‘connection’ would come flooding itself, don’t overthink the entire moment💯

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