Hi H&R, anyone care to 'diagnose' me? Basically, I've got a lump directly under my ear lobe, sort of in the little bit where your ear lobe meets your face. I felt it earlier, and thought it was a spot, so I squeezed it, probably causing more swelling. I'm pretty sure it's a gland (I have a bad stomach at the moment, possible infection/illness?). Google managed to find me a site which showed where a raletively nearby gland is. So is it most likely a gland, swollen due to a recent infection, then made by worse by my squeezing? Or is it some deadly problem thats all like 'lol death'?
I'm going to see a doctor tommorow if possible anyway, but I've got much experience of going there and them saying "It's a swollen gland, take these pills, they taste like candy and make you invincible to swollen glands."