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Lump under ear lobe - Possible swollen gland?

Hi H&R, anyone care to 'diagnose' me? Basically, I've got a lump directly under my ear lobe, sort of in the little bit where your ear lobe meets your face. I felt it earlier, and thought it was a spot, so I squeezed it, probably causing more swelling. I'm pretty sure it's a gland (I have a bad stomach at the moment, possible infection/illness?). Google managed to find me a site which showed where a raletively nearby gland is. So is it most likely a gland, swollen due to a recent infection, then made by worse by my squeezing? Or is it some deadly problem thats all like 'lol death'?
I'm going to see a doctor tommorow if possible anyway, but I've got much experience of going there and them saying "It's a swollen gland, take these pills, they taste like candy and make you invincible to swollen glands."

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Infection, probably.
Reply 2
I think I saw this on House... apparently you die :p:
Reply 3
wierd i have the exsact same thing whic i also discoverd today!! bizzar
Reply 4
Ah yeah, how could I forget to include a House diagnosis. "Lump in your ear? That actually means that we have to break into your house, take samples from that sandwich you threw away, realise they mean nothing but then remember that actually butter contains an oil that reacts with an uncommon virus in such a way that it becomes deadly unless you catch the tell-tale sign of having a seizure at just the right moment in our diagnosis. Take these drugs and if you're in one of the happy episodes, you'll live."
Reply 5
I alos have a swollen gland under my one ear, but I've got a bit of a sore throat at the moment. It's most likely to be an infection so no worries :smile:
Reply 6
Ah yeah, how could I forget to include a House diagnosis. "Lump in your ear? That actually means that we have to break into your house, take samples from that sandwich you threw away, realise they mean nothing but then remember that actually butter contains an oil that reacts with an uncommon virus in such a way that it becomes deadly unless you catch the tell-tale sign of having a seizure at just the right moment in our diagnosis. Take these drugs and if you're in one of the happy episodes, you'll live."

Yeah I think it was something like that actually :biggrin: apart from it wasn't a happy episode... unlucky, sorry
Reply 7
Dang, ah well, lets hope that reincarnation stuff is true.
So there's no chance I could stab this thing and get the fun of shooting pus everywhere then? I'm pretty sure stabbing a possible lymph gland isn't a good idea.
Reply 8
Dang, ah well, lets hope that reincarnation stuff is true.
So there's no chance I could stab this thing and get the fun of shooting pus everywhere then? I'm pretty sure stabbing a possible lymph gland isn't a good idea.

yeah, well to be honest I try to avoid stabbing myself whenever possible... lymph gland or not
Reply 9
mines gone down a lot since yestarday id just leave it
Reply 10
Just been to the doctor. Wasn't great but it was a rushed appointment. He felt it and prescribed me anti-biotics. I think I'll leave it a day or so before taking them because to be honest it seems more likely it was caused by something small that my body would usually beat, but my immune system won't be great due to sleep deprivation, poor diet, lots of alcohol etc. etc. I'm still tempted to stab it though.
Reply 11
Is it in the cartilage of the ear itself? You don't have any lymph nodes in your ear lobes, but behind the ear you do. If it's in the cartilage, I think it's possible they could be sebaceous cysts, which are really very common and harmless as long as they don't get infected. Since the doctor's given antibiotics though, he must suspect there might be an infection, and he's seen the problem, so I think he's more likely to be accurate :wink:

I don't think that stabbing anything is going to help.
i cant believe you would even go to the doctor over that lmao i get them when im run down or have a cold. hardly life threatening you chondriac!
Reply 13
I get them all the time if I have a cold. I also got them once when I was young and stupid and stretched my ears up a size too quickly (lol). Leave it alone and it will go away.
Reply 14
Ahh i've had this a few times! Now i finally know what it is, i thought it was just a spot or something. :rolleyes:
Reply 15
possibly a lymph node? is it mobile?

i wouldn't see a doctor personally - i'd give it a couple of days. good luck though.
Reply 16
It's just below (literally millimetres) where the ear lobe meets the face. I think I said it's very close to where a lymph node is meant to be (according to google searches) so I'd assumed that's what it was already. It doesn't seem to be moving, I can push it a bit but not loads.
And on the hypochondriac note, that's my mums fault, she worries over everything, and now it seems I've caught that problem too. On the positive side I know a bunch of useless medical information.
Anyway the doctor gave me some yummy amoxycillin to eat, so I've got a back up just in case doing nothing for a few days fails.
Reply 17
i get this when i am ill or just run down....i was told it is just you glands swelling...but if you are worried you should go and see your doctor.
I have this at the moment too and I thought it was just a spot but its been there for almost a week. It's probably an infection.
Reply 19
Probably a boil/big spot. I get them on my ear lobe and where my ear lobe meets my face. They go down after a week or two. Don't try and squeeze them (trust me) cos it makes them hurt more and they swell up a bit.