Hi everyone, I'll try to make this as short as possible but there is a lot to go through. Long story short, I have been completely ****ed over by the university.
In June I applied for an online Msc but for weeks I heard nothing back. I emailed multiple times and received no response. After a while passed I assumed I hadn't got on the course. But in August I get a phone call completely out of the blue saying I have an unconditional offer waiting for me on the applicant portal. I check and there's nothing there. I phone back, and the woman says she will update it for me in a few days. Fast forward to September, I still haven't heard anything back. I've tried EVERYTHING to get in touch with this university and nothing has worked. In a last desperate attempt I used live chat and was told that my course has already started a week ago (which they never bothered to tell me), but because it was induction week I hadn't missed any teaching (which wasn't true). He finally sends over my offer and I am finally enrolled a few days later.
Immediately after enrolling I received an email from the course director with some information and a general timetable. I email her back with a lot of questions about the course and ask for a specific timetable, explaining that I was completely lost and had been given absolutely no information prior to this. I'm not even joking, I've checked my uni email account today - I haven't had a SINGLE email back from her. Absolutely nothing. This was nearly 2 weeks ago.
When I heard nothing back after two days, I was beyond disgusted. The uni had completely wasted my time and given me no help whatsoever during the entire process. I immediately sent off a withdrawal form, sent to the email requested on the form. I tried to cancel my student finance as well, but the website had no option for this as the withdrawal had to be confirmed with the university.
Just yesterday I had a text message saying my student loan was due to go into my account. I'm obviously confused and stressed beyond belief that I have yet more issues to sort out. I rang the university today (2 attempts, on hold for 15 minutes each time) and they told me it would take SIX WEEKS to get my withdrawal request through. They also told me to send it to a different email address to the one given on the withdrawal form. As it's too late to cancel my student finance before it goes in (I tried yesterday), I now have to wait for it to go into my account tomorrow so I can ring SFE, send it straight back and hopefully stop any future payments. I'm not entitled to pay any of the tuition fees, am I? Someone help please, this has been an absolute nightmare from start to finish.