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How to handle stress at uni

I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

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hi what uni you at
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

i suggest you could do some activities like gym , sport or maybe just meditation ? But in personal experience , when im in this situation , i would go to sleep
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hi @WH4LI3N,
Sorry that you are dealing with a lot of stress.
Personally I like to have a planner and write things down to help plan my week so I know how my week looks like. It also allows me to factor in and plan time for things outside of uni like sports, volunteering, work and some down time. It is really important to take time for yourself and don't get burnt out as this will only make your stress worse and make uni feel harder.
If you like cooking/baking, it can be a good way to let out some of your stress and clear your mind. As is going for a walk/run outside or even going to a coffee shop/library to study. Sometimes getting out the house and being in a different surrounding can help to break up your day and boost being productive and less stressed. Talking to others can help to reassure you and also feel less overwhelmed - but everyone is different so talking may not be something you feel comfortable doing.
If you do feel like things are a lot then do reach out to your uni and use any of the support they have on offer.
Catherine - Strathclyde University Student Ambassador

Did you try well-being support at your university? They always have some professionals that can help you effectively deal with stress. Also, if you are facing a workload, you should consider applying for a deferral. There is nothing wrong with it. Everyone at some point in life faces those issues. It is crucial to try to act and find a way out of it.

Personally, I find planning extremely helpful in coping with stress. When I have everything planned I know I will have enough time so I stop worrying and start acting. Furthermore, I always plan some time to relax. It is essential if we want to be productive and take care of our well-being. Even try to find one hour per day and commit it to activities that make you chilled and happy or spend this time meditating.

Meditation is an amazing solution to stress. I meditate for ten minutes every day when I wake up. After the mindful start of the day, I feel much better for the rest of the day.

I hope you will find it helpful!:h:

Take care,

Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hi @WH4LI3N,

Uni can get so stressful at times and one way of combating this is having something totally unrelated to work that you enjoy doing. Something that brings you back to earth sort of, like reading a book, going on walks, talking with friends etc etc.

Studying at Chester, I personally love going on regular walks either night or day to help regather my thoughts. It’s the perfect, small city to balance both studies and life to make the whole uni experience less daunting - no added stress! To help spiralling into overthinking I also find that reminding myself to take a day at a time and focus on a task at a time really helps to manage my anxiety and stress.

I find that consistency and hard-work does eventually pay off even it may seem like it won’t, it always works out in the end!

Wishing you all the best,
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Stress ? It’s uni . Attend class , study . Party , rinse and repeat . If you’re struggling with work load now you are going to love working a highly competitive well sort after job .
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hi there

What I find personally useful when i'm feeling stressed is to create an organised routine to make sure that i'm balancing everything. Ofcourse there will be times at uni when you will find yourself working more than other times but its important to try and find a balance between doing uni work, socialising and taking time to prioritise your physical and mental health. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and boost endorphins. Even if its just going for a walk to take a break from work, it can be really beneficial to get yourself outside and move your body. Mindfulness techniques are also a great way to manage stress. This can involve colouring/paint by numbers, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises etc. If you don't feel comfortable doing this on your own the there are usually many societies or clubs around mindfulness where you can drop in once a week (or whenever you fancy) and participate. In terms of balancing workload, I would suggest figuring out whether you work best in the mornings or in the evenings and centre your work around that. Some people will naturally work better in the evening so if you're one of those people then get everything else you want/need to do during the day and block out the evening for work. A few consistent hours of work at your most productive time is a lot more beneficial than sitting at a desk for the whole day and only writing a few sentences. Try and build a routine that works for you and not compare yourself to others. Some people will work better in the morning and others work better at night, some people prefer working amongst other people or listening to music, but others find it distracting and need silence to work. Familiarise yourself with what makes you productive and tailor your environment where possible to fit that. Remember that stress can make you high functioning but too much stress can be overwhelming. Talk to the wellbeing team at your uni or to your friends/family if you feel that you aren't coping with stress. You are not alone in feeling this way

Best wishes

-Uni of Kent Rep :smile:
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hi, I am sorry to hear you are feeling stressed at the moment, at times university can seem stressful. I would suggest contacting your university's wellbeing team as they should be able to offer you tips and advice on wellbeing. At ARU we have access to a mindfulness app that we can use in our time for quiet moments that can help with stress. I would find out what services your university has to offer. Contact your personal tutor and let them know you are feeling stressed as they may be able to advise you on your workload. There can be lots of balls to juggle when at university that includes friends and family and I suggest writing out a plan so you can spend time doing things you enjoy. Choose a good time of the day when you find yourself studying better and take regular breaks. Fresh air is always good when studying so going outside during breaks can help you relax. Speak to your peers as you will find they may be feeling the same and see what they have done to deal with the heavy workload. Don't forget to drink lots of water and eat well. Best wishes and good luck. ARU Dee
Reply 9
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

So sorry to hear you are struggling, I hope I can help with some tips that personally work for me. Being active is definitely a big one and it's a lot easier than you may think at first, something as simple as getting out for a walk (especially in these summer months) is a great start. I find that creating a routine that helps me be productive but is flexible enough that I still get to enjoy my free time is a huge factor. I tend to give myself 3 main tasks each day and then anything else I get done is a bonus!
Additionally, get in touch with your universities wellbeing team as they will have trained professionals who will be able to give you practical advice for dealing with stress and can provide you with helpful resources.
Hope this helps, Faye :smile:
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

The main methods in the fight against stress, of course, are sports and exercise (especially in the fresh air), a balanced diet, healthy sleep, autogenic training and relaxation, regular active rest.
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hey @WH4LI3N,

How are you? Just wanted to check that you are alright :smile:
Has anything improved since the time you posted?

However, if you're still feeling stressed at university, there are several ways you can manage it:

Look after yourself: Get enough sleep, eat well and exercise regularly.

Break tasks down: Create a study schedule or to-do list and focus on one task at a time.

Manage your time: Use calendars, planners or productivity apps to help you stay organized.

Seek support: Talk to your professors, classmates or academic advisors if you need help. Universities have counseling services available.

Relax: Deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga or mindfulness can help reduce anxiety.

Find balance: Make time for hobbies, socializing and relaxation.

Connect: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family or classmates.

Take breaks: Regular breaks during study sessions are essential.

Remember, if your stress levels persist, seek professional help :smile:

Take care,

- Ilya :colondollar:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Hi @WH4LI3N,

One way I mange stress at university is keeping a schedule! Either in your notes or on paper, it’s a helpful way of keeping you on track.

Taking things one step at a time really helps breakdown your days and make the working week less daunting. I also schedule in rest-times/days! It’s important to make time for yourself as well as maintaining your studies.

Depending on your lifestyle and hobbies, I would suggest looking at what times in the day you’re most productive so that you can have half the days to spend time on yourself and focus on winding-down. For example, I am most productive in the mornings, I do my tasks and any other work then, I spend the rest of the day going on walks, reading and/or spending time with friends!

Wishing you all the best,
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Seek a therapist support.
Reply 14
Try incorporating regular exercise, mindfulness, and time management into your routine. Seek social support, maintain a healthy diet, and take breaks when needed. Remember, it's okay to seek help from university support services if you're feeling overwhelmed. You've got this!
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Do Sports, go to the gym ...something that raises dopamine levels to make you feel good and combat stress
Time Management: Create a schedule and stick to it for studying, breaks, and relaxation.

Task Prioritization: Break tasks into smaller chunks and prioritize based on deadlines.

Healthy Eating: Choose balanced meals and stay hydrated with water throughout the day.

Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity, even in short bursts, to boost energy and reduce stress.

Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night for optimal focus and well-being.
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

Am facing the same problem :frown:
Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?


I'm a 2nd year student at Anglia Ruskin University and to be honest there are many simple ways to deal with stress. The first one is have a routine, this can give you more control on your day to day life. The next one is to not over do it, cramming every night won't help, doing small amounts with frequent breaks can help your memory and stress levels. Remember to have time off to do things you enjoy, spending time with friends, reading a book or maybe meditation.

Original post by WH4LI3N
I'm struggling to handle stress at uni due to my high stress anf content heavy course. Any tips on lifestyle?

you yourself must understand that the university is just a period in your life, which you will eventually graduate from. But now I recommend you to buy sedatives here . After all, it is quite difficult to do it yourself, I know that feeling
(edited 1 year ago)

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