Background - did an undergraduate degree in a Science subject (1:1) then decided to do medicine in Ukraine. Got transferred into the 3rd year (for graduate entry, you get put into the 3rd year, rather than having a separate course for graduates). Because of the war, I'm being taught online :/ and having to source my own placements. On top of this, I also work and do not have any support (financially or otherwise). Also, have been going through personal problems but trying my best to move on from them.
Hello everyone,
I am studying medicine right now. Just finished my 2nd year. Got two more years to go (I'm graduate entry). I am forgetting everything! I did human anatomy and physiology in my undergrad and took extra time outside of uni to learn more about it. I did the same whilst studying medicine. But now, I'm so unbothered about revising and studying and have genuinely started to forget a lot of information. When I go on placements, most of the time, I don't even know the answer. It feels like I'm hearing about things for the first time, even though some of it, I have already learnt.
How can I increase my motivation and re-learn everything again?