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Get rid of a nagging feeling

Hi all,

I'm a student about to begin 2nd year Maths at uni. Before I was unsure about a switch to Engineering but, after asking the careers advisor, my tutor, and the Head of Engineering, it's clear that staying on Maths is objectively the best choice.

This is because I'm not particularly unhappy studying the course, especially now that I've completed first year (in which we have the least freedom of modules) with a decent grade, and the degree can definitely lead to the sectors of engineering that I'm interested in (computational stuff, like simulations engineering), and a maths degree makes me eligible for loads of masters degrees too.

But, I've just got this nagging feeling that makes me keep thinking of possibly switching, and I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have no idea exactly where it's coming from, maybe some part of me wants to do year 1 over again but thats irresponsible considering its not required for what Im interested in as a career as discussed with the careers guy, and it would be different anyway now that Im living off campus.

Feel like Im waffling, has anyone ever experienced a thought that they cant get out of their head or something like that (I might have anxiety that causes me to always worry about something, so could be that too)
The main thing is your feelings are always valid. Definitely take a pause and think things through objectively. You have many options, which is great! But maybe this is also making you anxious because you're not sure which way is the best one way for you. Maybe the thing to think about is there is no wrong path for you - just different but still great directions you can take. You're in a solid position no matter what you decide, so it's just a question of where you'll be happiest.
Reply 2
Original post by EAB11
The main thing is your feelings are always valid. Definitely take a pause and think things through objectively. You have many options, which is great! But maybe this is also making you anxious because you're not sure which way is the best one way for you. Maybe the thing to think about is there is no wrong path for you - just different but still great directions you can take. You're in a solid position no matter what you decide, so it's just a question of where you'll be happiest.

Thanks! That's the thing - even though the thought keeps coming into my head, when I think it through I know that I will still feel anxious if I did switch, since there's no part of the first-year engineering syllabus that really excites me, only some of the later stuff (which I can still take on the maths course). I think the anxiety will go away once term starts and the option to switch is no longer there - that's exactly what happened earlier in the year when I thought about switching unis.
Reply 3
any other thoughts on this?
Original post by anon7799
any other thoughts on this?


Don't overthink things!

Sometimes we can cause our own stress by worrying about things so much that we no longer know what to do!

Sometimes we might have a clear idea of what the best thing is to do, but then we allow ourselves to worry because if we are so clear on what we should do then something must be wrong and so we start worrying and panic!

It always good to listen to your intuition, but feelings are not always the best way to live our lives. I might feel like eating cake everyday but it's most probably not in my best interests : ( Sometimes, it is important to step back and look at things from a more rational and logical perspective, without forgetting that our feelings do mean something: we are anxious; we are scared; we are nervous; and we are unsure of the unknown. Sometimes we just need to reassure ourselves and sometimes we need to take action it's a balancing act!

It sounds like just having that option to switch is what is making you feel nervous. Options do not always free us, sometimes they imprison us because we can't stop thinking 'What if?' Perhaps it's better to think, 'What now?'

Now, it's to time to focus on preparation for your second year, to start looking at your modules and books and to start getting other things in place that will help you flourish. Now, it's time to remember that this year counts and that you need to stay focused!

Keep looking forward.

All the best for your second year,

Oluwatosin 3rd year student University of Huddersfield
Hi there!

It may be possible to get the best of both worlds- your university may have the option to study for a term or even a year in the industry of your choice. This would give you the opportunity to see where your current degree can take you while getting a taste of life in the engineering sector. It's definitely worth getting in touch with your uni's careers team to see if this is a possibility!

All the best with your future!

Graduate Advocate
Reply 6
Original post by University of Huddersfield

Don't overthink things!

Sometimes we can cause our own stress by worrying about things so much that we no longer know what to do!

Sometimes we might have a clear idea of what the best thing is to do, but then we allow ourselves to worry because if we are so clear on what we should do then something must be wrong and so we start worrying and panic!

It always good to listen to your intuition, but feelings are not always the best way to live our lives. I might feel like eating cake everyday but it's most probably not in my best interests : ( Sometimes, it is important to step back and look at things from a more rational and logical perspective, without forgetting that our feelings do mean something: we are anxious; we are scared; we are nervous; and we are unsure of the unknown. Sometimes we just need to reassure ourselves and sometimes we need to take action it's a balancing act!

It sounds like just having that option to switch is what is making you feel nervous. Options do not always free us, sometimes they imprison us because we can't stop thinking 'What if?' Perhaps it's better to think, 'What now?'

Now, it's to time to focus on preparation for your second year, to start looking at your modules and books and to start getting other things in place that will help you flourish. Now, it's time to remember that this year counts and that you need to stay focused!

Keep looking forward.

All the best for your second year,

Oluwatosin 3rd year student University of Huddersfield

Wow this is an amazing answer, thanks so much, think you've got it down exactly right. I believe once the option to switch goes away (i.e. once teaching begins) this feeling will too go away.

I will try to continuously look forward! - sometimes it's easy for me to look back too much
Original post by Liverpool Hope University
Hi there!

It may be possible to get the best of both worlds- your university may have the option to study for a term or even a year in the industry of your choice. This would give you the opportunity to see where your current degree can take you while getting a taste of life in the engineering sector. It's definitely worth getting in touch with your uni's careers team to see if this is a possibility!

All the best with your future!

Graduate Advocate

Thanks a lot, I'll definitely ask about this and see what can be done :smile:
"The grass isn't always greener on the other side" comes to mind!

But yes, remove the choice and then you'll have to stick with Maths!

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