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Unsure of re-sitting or sending applications with what I have. (CS at UCL)


After a long year and difficult year of organizing and dealing with personal issues, I managed to get AAB in my A-Levels, A in Maths, A in English and the B being in Further Maths, which I wasn't very happy with because I did want to apply for UCL which requires A*AA for Computer Science.

My original plan was to re-apply with ABB and an A predicted for A-Level Spanish, to universities such as UCL and Bath, but I'm beginning to see a lot of discussion about resits, and I still can't gather if I'd have a good chance at UCL with predicted resit grades.

Would it be worth it to apply now or with those predicted grades? I'm pretty sure I could get A*AAA this year, but I don't know if the predicted grades my school would give me would reflect that.

I'm already taking a gap year, and this situation is pretty stressful, I would appreciate any input, thanks.

For extra info, I do qualify for contextual offers.
Original post by rainy72

After a long year and difficult year of organizing and dealing with personal issues, I managed to get AAB in my A-Levels, A in Maths, A in English and the B being in Further Maths, which I wasn't very happy with because I did want to apply for UCL which requires A*AA for Computer Science.

My original plan was to re-apply with ABB and an A predicted for A-Level Spanish, to universities such as UCL and Bath, but I'm beginning to see a lot of discussion about resits, and I still can't gather if I'd have a good chance at UCL with predicted resit grades.

Would it be worth it to apply now or with those predicted grades? I'm pretty sure I could get A*AAA this year, but I don't know if the predicted grades my school would give me would reflect that.

I'm already taking a gap year, and this situation is pretty stressful, I would appreciate any input, thanks.

For extra info, I do qualify for contextual offers.

Hi @rainy72,

Hope you're doing well. Here's some advice which may help you work through your current situation:
-First, try to get in touch with the admissions team at UCL. They would be able to give you a better idea about what kind of offer you may receive, considering your eligibility for contextual offers.
-Next try talking to your teacher/s about your predict grade. I was originally predicted an A for A-Level Maths, but after speaking to my maths teacher, she managed to bump my predicted grade up an A*. I know conversations like this can sometimes be difficult and scary, but if you really feel like you deserve a better prediction and you work is currently reflecting this, then hopefully there shouldn't be a problem.
Wishing you the best of luck with your application.

Faheema (Lancaster University Student Ambassador for Psychology)
Contact UCL & Bath’s admissions and ask how your grades would be considered in a few different circumstances e.g. if you get AAAB. The UCL CS contextual entry requirements are A*AB. Bath’s are higher.

To be honest, AAB are good grades and you could get into lots of good unis with them but high-profile you unis with higher entry tariffs than your grades are a bit of a gamble. Maybe consider a foundation year like UCL does one for students eligible for contextual offers I think. But I think you’re in a good position regardless of what you do. the question is if you want to delay or take a risk to get into the elite universities
Reply 3
Original post by rainy72
After a long year and difficult year of organizing and dealing with personal issues, I managed to get AAB in my A-Levels, A in Maths, A in English and the B being in Further Maths, which I wasn't very happy with because I did want to apply for UCL which requires A*AA for Computer Science.
My original plan was to re-apply with ABB and an A predicted for A-Level Spanish, to universities such as UCL and Bath, but I'm beginning to see a lot of discussion about resits, and I still can't gather if I'd have a good chance at UCL with predicted resit grades.
Would it be worth it to apply now or with those predicted grades? I'm pretty sure I could get A*AAA this year, but I don't know if the predicted grades my school would give me would reflect that.
I'm already taking a gap year, and this situation is pretty stressful, I would appreciate any input, thanks.
For extra info, I do qualify for contextual offers.

Hi , I’m in the same position as you know. I got AAB and i was planning on reapplying with alevels A*AA. Did you retake and if you did do you think you made the right decision and what uni are you going now

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