The Student Room Group

Fitness to practice

Almost 2 years ago I was removed from my mental health nursing degree through the fitness to practice process. Long story short the university was very unsupportive of a few things I had ongoing, I am dyslexic and despite informing the university they did nothing to support me for over a year. Another issue was being forced to provide transport to a fellow student on placement. My travel claims were all refused, the other student claimed travel expenses and bragged about it despite getting a free lift with me and refusing to pay me any money. I also had to go out my way to collect and drop off this person. I reported this to the university but they took no notice.

With regards to the dyslexic stuff I reached out to out group chat to ask if anyone was having similar problems to which I got quite a few replies from others saying they had similar issues. However it appears one student reported me for apparently bad mouthing the uni. I felt I was dignified in asking for a but if back up from my peers, I had no idea if I was the only one not being supported, the university weren't helping or clarifying wait times or anything. I felt it was reasonable to ask if this was a common problem (I it was)

I was made to sit a fitness to practice where I was deemed to put others at risk by apparently scaring other students away from asking for help, I was told that I haven't been a supportive student to my peers by not being forthcoming as a car share and making a complaint about another student who did wrong by me. I was removed from my course after completing my second year.

I wonder if anyone knows the possibility of returning to studying? What might the process be or is it a total no seeing as I was removed and deemed unfit?
Reply 1
fitness to practice and uni rules are very different. i see no fitness to practice issues there, the car share why did you do it. no pay no ride. you dyslexia can be an issue if not addressed. usual when a student refuse to recognise they have a difficulty, was youre course work and placements all passed. if a uni was to remove every unhappy student they would be empty.
Reply 2
fitness to practice and uni rules are very different. i see no fitness to practice issues there, the car share why did you do it. no pay no ride. you dyslexia can be an issue if not addressed. usual when a student refuse to recognise they have a difficulty, was youre course work and placements all passed. if a uni was to remove every unhappy student they would be empty.

So it was a full fitness to practice board.. as per all the policy and separate to uni.

All my placements and course work was passed with high pass marks.

I only gave him a lift because the first couple of shifts I never and I was essentially guilted into it.. he also made promise of payment but never followed through. He would outrightly blame me the first few shifts for him being last as I had no arrangement then to drive him. I felt really uncomfortable but I hate the confrontation and the way he spoke about me and the situation painted me out to be unreasonable so I just went through with it to make my life easier. In the end he spent the entire placement bad mouthing me and never kept his word that he would share fuel costs.

The uni basically stated that I lied about getting no dyslexic help so called for a fitness to practice. I had zero voice, essentially I felt the decision to remove me was already made before the fitness to practice meetings.. it was essentially just a tick in the box.
Reply 3
Original post by Romo1
So it was a full fitness to practice board.. as per all the policy and separate to uni.

All my placements and course work was passed with high pass marks.

I only gave him a lift because the first couple of shifts I never and I was essentially guilted into it.. he also made promise of payment but never followed through. He would outrightly blame me the first few shifts for him being last as I had no arrangement then to drive him. I felt really uncomfortable but I hate the confrontation and the way he spoke about me and the situation painted me out to be unreasonable so I just went through with it to make my life easier. In the end he spent the entire placement bad mouthing me and never kept his word that he would share fuel costs.

The uni basically stated that I lied about getting no dyslexic help so called for a fitness to practice. I had zero voice, essentially I felt the decision to remove me was already made before the fitness to practice meetings.. it was essentially just a tick in the box.

that needs challenging. i dont see any grounds, if you passed placements and uni. if your dyslexic its up to you if you want to declare it or not. it clearly did not effect your practice. get to the student union and i hope your a member of a nursing union. on a separate matter assuming your female you should not be expect to give lifts to strange men. its unsafe and not your responsibility. what exactly are they accusing you of that makes you unfit.
Hi there!

This should be brought to a tribunal and you should contact the student union, or if you were a part of the RCN or Unison. This seems unfair and this should not have taken place, and you should not have been forced to take other students to placement, and you should have had support in place for dyslexia.
If you have evidence of you reaching out for support (such as via email) you may need to provide this as evidence

I would recommend you do this as soon as possible, as you are allowed a specified amount of time out of a degree before you need to begin from scratch again (this happened to me at a different university before I moved to LJMU and got lots of support)

I hope this works out for you, and good luck

Third-year student nurse and ambassador
Reply 5
Original post by Romo1
So it was a full fitness to practice board.. as per all the policy and separate to uni.
All my placements and course work was passed with high pass marks.
I only gave him a lift because the first couple of shifts I never and I was essentially guilted into it.. he also made promise of payment but never followed through. He would outrightly blame me the first few shifts for him being last as I had no arrangement then to drive him. I felt really uncomfortable but I hate the confrontation and the way he spoke about me and the situation painted me out to be unreasonable so I just went through with it to make my life easier. In the end he spent the entire placement bad mouthing me and never kept his word that he would share fuel costs.
The uni basically stated that I lied about getting no dyslexic help so called for a fitness to practice. I had zero voice, essentially I felt the decision to remove me was already made before the fitness to practice meetings.. it was essentially just a tick in the box.

I am so sorry to hear of your experiences. I am too being called to sit a ftp panel and like you feel the decision to remove me has already been made. Although I have a union rep I still feel like I am being asked the same thing. I feel it’s unfair on students compared to the qualified nurses and the university seems to be overwhelmed with students to be able to properly provide support.
I am indeed questioning if I should even attend the meeting or if I should submit my statement and be done with it all.
Reply 6
Original post by Romo1
So it was a full fitness to practice board.. as per all the policy and separate to uni.
All my placements and course work was passed with high pass marks.
I only gave him a lift because the first couple of shifts I never and I was essentially guilted into it.. he also made promise of payment but never followed through. He would outrightly blame me the first few shifts for him being last as I had no arrangement then to drive him. I felt really uncomfortable but I hate the confrontation and the way he spoke about me and the situation painted me out to be unreasonable so I just went through with it to make my life easier. In the end he spent the entire placement bad mouthing me and never kept his word that he would share fuel costs.
The uni basically stated that I lied about getting no dyslexic help so called for a fitness to practice. I had zero voice, essentially I felt the decision to remove me was already made before the fitness to practice meetings.. it was essentially just a tick in the box.

Ooff I feel your frustration, I have been in a similar situation and like you feel that a decision had been made about me and that the ftp was a tick box exercise. The uk have a shortages of nurses but don’t support the students and definitely don’t want to be seen helping. It’s a real shame that you were taken off your course as it seems very unfair given the circumstances. I have decided to leave before they come to the decision to take me off. As far as I am aware, the ftp decision will be recorded for a number of years and will flag up if you try and enter a course where you have a pin registration at the end.