The Student Room Group

should i just give up on my a levels/ career aspriation?

i do chem, bio and maths alevels and im not doing well. im in my final year and i consistently get Cs/Bs. I have gotten As in chem and bio before. but is it possible to be at a level where i can get As/A*s by the time i reach the actual exams?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by mx.roadkill
i do chem, bio and maths alevels and im not doing well. im in my final year and i consistently get Cs/Bs. I have gotten As in chem and bio before. but is it possible to be at a level where i can get As/A*s by the time i reach the actual exams?

I wouldn't give up. It will be difficult to get As and A*s but it isn't impossible. You will have to put the work in. Do you know why you are getting Bs and Cs at the moment?
i struggled to revise at home so i wasnt doing as much as i should have been, but now ive set up times where ill be able to revise in school. im just worried that its too late
Original post by mx.roadkill
i do chem, bio and maths alevels and im not doing well. im in my final year and i consistently get Cs/Bs. I have gotten As in chem and bio before. but is it possible to be at a level where i can get As/A*s by the time i reach the actual exams?

My mocks at the end of year 12 were ADU in geography, biology and chemistry. I ended up with AAB and got into vet school! Don’t give up hope!!
Original post by mx.roadkill
i struggled to revise at home so i wasnt doing as much as i should have been, but now ive set up times where ill be able to revise in school. im just worried that its too late

It's still possible, especially as you are putting the work in. It will be difficult but it is possible
Original post by mx.roadkill
i do chem, bio and maths alevels and im not doing well. im in my final year and i consistently get Cs/Bs. I have gotten As in chem and bio before. but is it possible to be at a level where i can get As/A*s by the time i reach the actual exams?

Use YouTube and past papers. 🙂
Firstly, Bs are not bad grades at all. And no its deffo not too late, A-Levels are still 5/6 months away and that is plenty of time to improve. Do you have set revision methods that you know work for you?

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