The Student Room Group

Trek To The End Of Year 13 ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

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Keys to understand blog:
the task has been completed
✖️ I didn’t do the task
⭕️ I started it but didn’t finish it

I hope you enjoy being here!
(edited 10 months ago)

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Moved to Grow your Grades :smile:
Good luck!
Original post by anayasyed
I have been so inspired by everyone’s GYG so I decided to make my own.
About me:
I moved to the UK about 5 years ago, so I started my studies in year 9. I am currently in year 13 and doing the following subjects:
I applied for Gateway Medicine because I didn’t had the best UCAT score, I had an interview but then got an email stating i am not a British national so I unfortunately cannot be considered, it was very devastating, but we move :,)
Hence I have decided to take a gap year while I wait for an indefinite leave to remain in the UK, so I will take a chance and apply again for medicine.
Side note: i have also deleted my socials so I can focus on my studies cause I am strugglinggg
I also work part-time( Saturday and Sunday) at Next.
Sooo I will aim to update my progress here everyday, lastly I am aiming to get AAA hopefully!

That's super annoying about the email back! Sorry to hear about it, but at least in your gap year you'll have lots of time to prepare. Good luck 😊
Original post by study23!
Original post by anayasyed
I have been so inspired by everyone’s GYG so I decided to make my own.
About me:
I moved to the UK about 5 years ago, so I started my studies in year 9. I am currently in year 13 and doing the following subjects:
I applied for Gateway Medicine because I didn’t had the best UCAT score, I had an interview but then got an email stating i am not a British national so I unfortunately cannot be considered, it was very devastating, but we move :,)
Hence I have decided to take a gap year while I wait for an indefinite leave to remain in the UK, so I will take a chance and apply again for medicine.
Side note: i have also deleted my socials so I can focus on my studies cause I am strugglinggg
I also work part-time( Saturday and Sunday) at Next.
Sooo I will aim to update my progress here everyday, lastly I am aiming to get AAA hopefully!

That's super annoying about the email back! Sorry to hear about it, but at least in your gap year you'll have lots of time to prepare. Good luck 😊

Yes, thank you! Thats the only thing that’s motivating me
Thursday 11th Jan:
✅•Rewrite chemistry notes according to the spec(i wanna cry) up to atomic structure and amount of substances
✅•start biology notes using the spec- try finish unit 1( for the gazillionth time)
✅•finish referencing my EPQ document
✅•write conclusion if i can for EPQ

I have a full day today and we are doing the maggot experiment in biology, fun!(thats sarcastic) I hope you guys have an amazing day.

edit: I definitely over estimated my self and chem notes took way longer than expected and my laptop was updating for an ENTIRE HALF AN HOUR I nearly cried and literally sat on my desk staring at it so didn’t had time to finish everything. I have kinda done chemistry- a few subtopics still to finish. Finished referencing and nearing the end of my EPQ dissertation. But still need to start bio- so that will be tomorrow hopefully. Also reduced my screen time so yay!
Have a good night everyone.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by anayasyed
Thursday 11th Jan:
•Rewrite chemistry notes according to the spec(i wanna cry) up to atomic structure and amount of substances
•start biology notes using the spec- finish unit 1( for the gazillionth time)
•finish referencing my EPQ document
•write conclusion if i can for EPQ

I have a full day today and we are doing the maggot experiment in biology, fun!(thats sarcastic) I hope you guys have an amazing day.
Excited for Friday cause i finish early!
Will update in the night, where i got upto 😮*💨

I’ve also got a full day 😭, hope you have a good day too
Original post by anayasyed
I have been so inspired by everyone’s GYG so I decided to make my own.
About me:
I moved to the UK about 5 years ago, so I started my studies in year 9. I am currently in year 13 and doing the following subjects:
I applied for Gateway Medicine because I didn’t had the best UCAT score, I had an interview but then got an email stating i am not a British national so I unfortunately cannot be considered, it was very devastating, but we move :,)
Hence I have decided to take a gap year while I wait for an indefinite leave to remain in the UK, so I will take a chance and apply again for medicine.
Side note: i have also deleted my socials so I can focus on my studies cause I am strugglinggg
I also work part-time( Saturday and Sunday) at Next.
Sooo I will aim to update my progress here everyday, lastly I am aiming to get AAA hopefully!

ayyyy i am doing aqa psych :biggrin:
Original post by emm4nuella
Original post by anayasyed
I have been so inspired by everyone’s GYG so I decided to make my own.
About me:
I moved to the UK about 5 years ago, so I started my studies in year 9. I am currently in year 13 and doing the following subjects:
I applied for Gateway Medicine because I didn’t had the best UCAT score, I had an interview but then got an email stating i am not a British national so I unfortunately cannot be considered, it was very devastating, but we move :,)
Hence I have decided to take a gap year while I wait for an indefinite leave to remain in the UK, so I will take a chance and apply again for medicine.
Side note: i have also deleted my socials so I can focus on my studies cause I am strugglinggg
I also work part-time( Saturday and Sunday) at Next.
Sooo I will aim to update my progress here everyday, lastly I am aiming to get AAA hopefully!

ayyyy i am doing aqa psych :biggrin:

Yay!! How r u finding it? Its very interesting but i really don’t enjoy research methods and we are doing that for again for yr2 content 🥲
Original post by anayasyed
ayyyy i am doing aqa psych :biggrin:

Yay!! How r u finding it? Its very interesting but i really don’t enjoy research methods and we are doing that for again for yr2 content 🥲
yeah same :smile:
12/01/23- friday

I did hour and half of chemistry notes

Started biology notes

Did some work on my epq

I got a bit distracted so would have liked to do a bit more but oh well. Also i got my amino acid/ proteins biochem test kinda thing back and i got 37/40 so yay! I dont know why people hate biochem so much Its actually not that bad! Anyways i have started watching “fool me once” so if you are into thrillers its has a very interesting storyline, i am enjoying it
Hope you guys have an amazing weekend!
(edited 1 year ago)
wow well done!! :smile: what are your optional psych topics? :biggrin:
Hi how long would you say is a good amount of time to revise a day on average
Original post by emm4nuella
wow well done!! :smile: what are your optional psych topics? :biggrin:

Oo we haven’t started that yet but I will let u know on monday! What about u, which ones r u doing?
Original post by anayasyed
Oo we haven’t started that yet but I will let u know on monday! What about u, which ones r u doing?

relationships, aggression and stress
Original post by lilysilly_5454
Hi how long would you say is a good amount of time to revise a day on average

I honestly don’t think there is a right answer to this, just stay consistent rather than relying on motivation so do some learning every single day even if you don’t feel like it. What works the best for me is an hour of two subjects each day. And keep some time for homework apart from those two hours. Also always always keep on top of your revision
Original post by emm4nuella

relationships, aggression and stress

Oh I didn’t knew aggression was optional so we are doing it just started social learning theory as an explanation for aggression
Original post by anayasyed
Oh I didn’t knew aggression was optional so we are doing it just started social learning theory as an explanation for aggression

ooh nice aggression is a nice topic but i think relationships is my fave
Hi guys, sorry its been a busyy weekend so I didn’t had a chance to get much done,
On Saturday i came home around 4ish from work and was tired!!! But I did finish my psychology evaluation for aggression/ kinda planned the answer for a psych question and tried to do some Bio (sadly didn’t got to far😭)
Today, before going to work i finished all the work for research methods and chemistry homework this was like 6 sheets of exam question practice I still have two graphs to do but I didn’t have the time to do it, also finished some work for polyester and polyamides for Ms C. i came home around 10ish and had planned to do some revision but i am dying so I will let my poor body feel like its the weekend for an hour before I go to sleep. It definitely was a very unproductive weekend but its too late now so I will try to be a bit better next week cause the real exams are coming soooo soon, my first one is on 16th may so no day offs for me😃👍
Hope you guys had a better weekend then me, hoping tomorrow will go as planned.
15/01- Monday
L1- chemistry (ms c)
L2- psychology
L3- biology
L4- chemistry (mr c)
L6- Afterschool revision for chem, depends if my teacher is doing it, if she is I will ask her to go over redox reactions (this topic is the bane of my existence and is the reason why i hate my life)
4:40-5:40 (hopefully) get all the notes done till proteins.
5:40-6.10- catch up on anything missing in my reading booklet for aggression, read ahead/highlight on de-individuating.
9-9.30- start nucleic acid if proteins is finished.
9.30-10.30- chemistry revision
If i still have time and energy, go over my EPQ document.
If i get to live another day and wake up tomorrow, I will stick to this plan and will update it as i go.
Hope you all have an amazing start to the week!!!
Original post by anayasyed
Hi guys, sorry its been a busyy weekend so I didn’t had a chance to get much done,
On Saturday i came home around 4ish from work and was tired!!! But I did finish my psychology evaluation for aggression/ kinda planned the answer for a psych question and tried to do some Bio (sadly didn’t got to far😭)
Today, before going to work i finished all the work for research methods and chemistry homework this was like 6 sheets of exam question practice I still have two graphs to do but I didn’t have the time to do it, also finished some work for polyester and polyamides for Ms C. i came home around 10ish and had planned to do some revision but i am dying so I will let my poor body feel like its the weekend for an hour before I go to sleep. It definitely was a very unproductive weekend but its too late now so I will try to be a bit better next week cause the real exams are coming soooo soon, my first one is on 16th may so no day offs for me😃👍
Hope you guys had a better weekend then me, hoping tomorrow will go as planned.

Sounds like we both had a tiring and unproductive weekend. But it clearly means that you needed some rest physically and mentally so don’t worry too much either.

I think my first is 13th May 😔 and it’s a double! We’ve got time though to build good habits

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