The Student Room Group

Could this lump on my penis be skin cancer

Hi all,

I have developed a large painful lump on my penis over the last week and I'm worried it could be skin cancer.

It looks similar this image I found of a cancer tumour on a woman's face: basal-cell-carcinoma-1-shiny-bump.png (676×508) (

I've never had cancer before, is there any obvious signs I should look out for to see if it is cancer and not something more minor like a boil or wart? Because of its location I don't want to see a doctor unless I know it's serious.

Reply 1
You'll drive yourself crazy over this unless you go and get it checked out by a medical professional. Please do this asap.
Reply 2
I think you need to get proper treatment and consultation just visit or contact a physician for better advice and treatment..

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