The Student Room Group

Final year student finance & maintenance loan

Hi student finance team,

I have got a question came into my mind. Basically, I am second year student and next year 2025 will be my final year (I am studying in one of the healthcare sector to be a NHS practitioner). The question is will be a decrease in my maintenance loan in my final year?

Here is a brief of my situation:
-Will have 3 placements on final year
- It is unpaid (Full-time)
-I have 2 placements for this year but SFE approved my application as a independent student and gave me the full support
- during my 2023 -2024 application I have ticked this "Unpaid service in a hospital or in a public health service laboratory or with a clinical commissioning group in the UK" which is matches to my placement criteria.
- I am not sure if we will be back in summer of 2025 to finalise our thesis, but I believe we will be back and university will possibly ends on May or June 2025.

This was my main question, but I had other question which I needed advise on:
What kind of support/Grant/Bursary can I get if I found myself in hardship situation as an independent student during placement? For example I may need dual accommodation due the location of placement or transportation.

Thank you.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by aroma1
Hi student finance team,

I have got a question came into my mind. Basically, I am second year student and next year 2025 will be my final year (I am studying in one of the healthcare sector to be a NHS practitioner). The question is will be a decrease in my maintenance loan in my final year?

Here is a brief of my situation:
-Will have 3 placements on final year
- It is unpaid (Full-time)
-I have 2 placements for this year but SFE approved my application as a independent student and gave me the full support
- during my 2023 -2024 application I have ticked this "Unpaid service in a hospital or in a public health service laboratory or with a clinical commissioning group in the UK" which is matches to my placement criteria.
- I am not sure if we will be back in summer of 2025 to finalise our thesis, but I believe we will be back and university will possibly ends on May or June 2025.

This was my main question, but I had other question which I needed advise on:
What kind of support/Grant/Bursary can I get if I found myself in hardship situation as an independent student during placement? For example I may need dual accommodation due the location of placement or transportation.

Thank you.

Hi there,

If the placement is the same for your final year you would be eligible for full support again. For final year students the final year for Maintenance Loan is reduced. For the 24/25 Academic Year the funding options are not available just yet unfortunately.

We offer Maintenance Loan, Grants for Dependents, Tuition Fee and DSA that is all. Thanks, Ross
Reply 2
Original post by Ross SLC
Hi there,

If the placement is the same for your final year you would be eligible for full support again. For final year students the final year for Maintenance Loan is reduced. For the 24/25 Academic Year the funding options are not available just yet unfortunately.

We offer Maintenance Loan, Grants for Dependents, Tuition Fee and DSA that is all. Thanks, Ross

Thank you so much,
Yes the placements are the same criteria. I am a bit confused on the "For final year students the final year for Maintenance Loan is reduced". So even if I got full support for this year (maintenace) does that mean it will be reduced for next year?

Sorry to bother you with these questions😓, I understood that you said if I got full maintenance for this year, I will be get the same for placement year. the second part confused me, that's why I asked to understand it better. I don't require how much will it be as I know you said the funding options not available yet.

Thank you for being patience Ross, i promise this was my last question😓.
Original post by aroma1
Thank you so much,
Yes the placements are the same criteria. I am a bit confused on the "For final year students the final year for Maintenance Loan is reduced". So even if I got full support for this year (maintenace) does that mean it will be reduced for next year?

Sorry to bother you with these questions😓, I understood that you said if I got full maintenance for this year, I will be get the same for placement year. the second part confused me, that's why I asked to understand it better. I don't require how much will it be as I know you said the funding options not available yet.

Thank you for being patience Ross, i promise this was my last question😓.

Hi there,

It is standard practice for the Maintenance Loan to be slightly reduced for final year students. Do not apologise for asking questions it is what we're here for. If you have any further queries please let us know! Thanks, Ross

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