Hi there I'm currently in Y13 - I'm yet to start my personal statement (yes, late working on it, personal reasons - due on the 31st)
I do a levels (w predicted)
Business: B
Economics: B
Politics: C
I'm quite unhappy with my predicteds as i really want to go to a russell group uni, yes the course is important to me but id prefer doing a worse course at a better uni than the other way round. I also wanna stay in london. I dont really know what i wanna do so i just chose politics, international relations that little area. I do have passion in this field I didnt choose it for the sake of it.
I really want to stay in london and go to a russell group/good uni in ldn. I wanna know if anyone knows if im going about the right path.
I looked online at unis i can do queen mary foundation year - politics & economics - extra year but i want to do economics too at a good uni but never cuz i didnt do maths and this is perfect for me cuz it pairs w politics too. Other options Im looking at for politics/international relations field r like royal holloway (BBB ish), SOAS (ABB) im slightly lower, i wanna apply to these unis, and maybe a worser course at LSE cuz u never know i can get an offer. Maybe my personal statement will bang - still need to write it haha. Then like 2 backups with Reading or city london.
I can possibly change my business into an A for predicted but its not really a good chance of that happening. Just wanna do a good course at a good uni. Thank you, any reply would be appreciated ( I don't mind doing foundational as I'd sacrifice that extra year and pay a bit more because I know its more beneficial in the long term) cuz imagine someones sees russell group politics & economics - thats the dream haha. Thank you in advance