The Student Room Group

Changed Mind about Uni course AFTER applying.

I applied before the 31st of JAN for University, and now I've changed my mind massively about the course I want to actually do and the universities I want to apply to.

What are my options right now? I really need help as I'm worried and kind of need to know if I need to make a new personal statement. For reference, I've been on UCAS and filtered universities by courses still with availiability and there's like five universities I would apply to. I've looked at UCAS extra, but it doesn't seem suitable because I've applied to only one university and because the course is very different to the one I applied to so my personal statement isn't accurate. Please does anyone know what to do!! Obviously I could go through clearing(?) but I'd rather get it out the way sooner and ensure I have a place.

If relevant, I have an unconditional offer already from the one UNI I applied to (I'm on a gap year right now and have my grades (AAA*) which are over the requirements for all the unis im looking at)
Thank you for any help!!
(edited 10 months ago)
Not having the right PS doesn’t matter. Universities will normally accept an additional PS from applicants using Extra.

Have you spoken to the university that you’re interested in and asked for their advice?

It will probably be: use Extra asap.
Reply 2
Original post by idkaname
I applied before the 31st of JAN for University, and now I've changed my mind massively about the course I want to actually do and the universities I want to apply to.
What are my options right now? I really need help as I'm worried and kind of need to know if I need to make a new personal statement. For reference, I've been on UCAS and filtered universities by courses still with availiability and there's like five universities I would apply to. I've looked at UCAS extra, but it doesn't seem suitable because I've applied to only one university and because the course is very different to the one I applied to so my personal statement isn't accurate. Please does anyone know what to do!! Obviously I could go through clearing(?) but I'd rather get it out the way sooner and ensure I have a place.
Thank you for any help!!

You say you've changed your mind about the universities you want to apply to, but is that based solely on the fact that they no longer have availability on the programmes you're now interested in? If that's the case, then you could ask them about changing to a different programme even if they're not listed as having availability. The worst they can say is "no", and you've lost nothing by asking.

You could contact the one university you're interested in to see if you can provide an alternate personal statement. Again, the worst that can happen is that they say "no".

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