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I've just moved to a new sixth form and I'm finding it difficult to meet people

I've never had issues finding friends before its always just happened to me at secondary but I just moved to a new sixth form 2 weeks ago and I've probably talked to 3 or 4 people. I've got really small classes where no one tries to talk to each other (one class has 4 people in) and sit separately. I don't find it difficult at all to chat to people I am sat with but it's impossible to do when I'm not sat with anyone.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did it work out? I have one person who sits with me in the library at break and lunch who knew me in Year 7 but we're really different people and its kind of awkward because he's asked me out a few times before and I'd really like to get to know some girls in my year.

All of the clubs apart from student union are for lower school and the sixth formers usually joined when they were in secondary and run the club now so it'd be weird for me to go when I've never been before but I'm going to look into joining the student union I think.
Original post by miac16
I've never had issues finding friends before its always just happened to me at secondary but I just moved to a new sixth form 2 weeks ago and I've probably talked to 3 or 4 people. I've got really small classes where no one tries to talk to each other (one class has 4 people in) and sit separately. I don't find it difficult at all to chat to people I am sat with but it's impossible to do when I'm not sat with anyone.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did it work out? I have one person who sits with me in the library at break and lunch who knew me in Year 7 but we're really different people and its kind of awkward because he's asked me out a few times before and I'd really like to get to know some girls in my year.

All of the clubs apart from student union are for lower school and the sixth formers usually joined when they were in secondary and run the club now so it'd be weird for me to go when I've never been before but I'm going to look into joining the student union I think.

Hi @miac16

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling to make some friends. I actually went through a similar situation at uni; there was like this unspoken rule that everyone just sits separately and then they stuck to that seat all semester. It was really difficult to start forming friendship groups.
Now that I am in my third year, I do have a good group of friends on my course, but it took 3 years to get there!

However, in my first year, I started looking elsewhere. I had a part-time job, so many of my close friendships were made there. I also joined societies (Netball soc and F1 soc); very different people in those societies, but I actually enjoyed spending time with people I wouldn't have usually been friends with. So I would look outside of your classmates too.

I hope some of this helps, even if it's just knowing that other people have gone through the exact same!

BCU Student Rep.

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