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Regretting my Uni subject choice.

I've applied to uni and received two offers so far, but I'm really regretting my choice of subject. I've applied to biology after being stuck between it and a more essay based subject like history. What do I do? I'm stressing so much do I completely withdraw my UCAS application? Do I reject my current offers and apply for UCAS extra or wait until clearing? I'm too scared to speak to my guidance teacher as I'm embarrassed and very stressed.
Original post by Anonymous
I've applied to uni and received two offers so far, but I'm really regretting my choice of subject. I've applied to biology after being stuck between it and a more essay based subject like history. What do I do? I'm stressing so much do I completely withdraw my UCAS application? Do I reject my current offers and apply for UCAS extra or wait until clearing? I'm too scared to speak to my guidance teacher as I'm embarrassed and very stressed.

A few options:
If it's been less than 14 days since you applied, then you can swap-out any of the five options for which you've yet to receive replies for other options (i.e. other courses at other universities). However, note that these will be considered to have arrived after the equal consideration deadline.
You could contact each of the unis directly (even the ones for which you've received offers) and asked to considered for a different course instead.
You could do nothing and see if you change your mind again. If you don't, then you could decline each offer and go through UCAS Extra or UCAS Clearing.

My advice would not be to rush into any decision. Anything you do now will be after the equal consideration deadline, so there's no real benefit in doing anything today vs. doing it a month from today. (Universities aren't allowed to pressure you into making your firm/insurance decisions early in the hope of securing the best accommodation, although the less scrupulous ones will try.)

Why do you regret your decision? What changed your mind? Or are you just an indecisive sole generally?
Original post by DataVenia
A few options:
If it's been less than 14 days since you applied, then you can swap-out any of the five options for which you've yet to receive replies for other options (i.e. other courses at other universities). However, note that these will be considered to have arrived after the equal consideration deadline.
You could contact each of the unis directly (even the ones for which you've received offers) and asked to considered for a different course instead.
You could do nothing and see if you change your mind again. If you don't, then you could decline each offer and go through UCAS Extra or UCAS Clearing.

My advice would not be to rush into any decision. Anything you do now will be after the equal consideration deadline, so there's no real benefit in doing anything today vs. doing it a month from today. (Universities aren't allowed to pressure you into making your firm/insurance decisions early in the hope of securing the best accommodation, although the less scrupulous ones will try.)

Why do you regret your decision? What changed your mind? Or are you just an indecisive sole generally?

I'm not usually so indecisive! At the start of the year I had narrowed down and was choosing between history/law and biology, ultimately convincing myself that biology was the better option for (oh was I wrong...). I'm study advanced higher biology and chemistry and really not enjoying either class as much as I use to. Also, I've always been better suited to essay based subjects, which is why now that I've applied I'm so embarrassed and stressed as I've clearly chosen the wrong course for me.

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