The Student Room Group

Maintenance loan overpayment

Hi there! I am expecting a maintenance loan overpayment letter to come through the post in the next few days that’ll be about 8k, and am looking to pay back about half of this immediately. I was curious what the interest rate is on the maintenance loan payment and how often that interest would be added - If I were to be paying that 4k over 12 months how much would i expect it to increase by?
Hi there,

You can check your inbox on your account as the overpayment letter with the collections telephone number to call should be there prior to this arriving in the post. For the query you have regarding interest, we will need you to contact our repayments department but they are not available on here. If you prefer to communicate to them via chat then you can message them on Twitter or Facebook - alternatively they are also available on the phone, their number is 0300 100 0611.

Thanks, Clare

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