Thank you for sharing this. I believe we should not 'follow' what society and others do, and compare our lives. I always said I and I will keep saying it. There is no right age, just the right feeling. I lost my virginity at 23, and I did when I was ready, not when I felt I should be ready, or the people around me were ready. You will know when the time is right, trust me.
I know you may feel pressured, and you need a very strong mindset to overcome that. It is hard, but not impossible. I have never had a drink and never smoked, even tho everyone around me seems doing it, especially at uni. I am still alive, happy, and I feel good with myself. (I am not saying these things are right/wrong, just giving a personal example)
The advice I would give, and I always give to everyone is you should focus on you, and you only. Wait for the time to be right, and ignore what your mates are doing. Remember we all have different lives, different goals, and our own race. You are not going to lose anything if your wait, and do things at your time. Have you ever heard of people at uni at 40 years+?Works same way. There is no right time for things in life.
I hope this helps 🙂