The Student Room Group

MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration)

Post deleted
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by mmulhare
Hi All,
I'm currently undertaking an MSc in Art Psychotherapy, however I'm 6 months in to the masters and am at a crossroads, as I no longer feel that this is the correct career path for me :frown: . I am currently working as a support worker in a residential setting, supporting yound adults with intellectual disabilities, ASD and mental heatlh disorders and get to work alongside OT's as part of the role. I am passionate about working in the disability sector, as I have first hand witnessed the postiive impact OT services has with the individuals in which I support and want to also be able to make a positive impact in peoples lives. Before even accepting the MSc in Art Psychotherapy, I did query if I should have considered OT instead. But I am where I am now and am trying to make a plan if I should change masters.
I'm a resident of the Republic of Ireland and wanted some information about the MSc pre-registration for OT in the UK. Are you eligble for funding for these masters? I've tried to research this and I'm not able to get solid info. Some Universities state that because it is an Allied Health Profession, you can get maintainance grant and funding towards fees, etc. Does anyone know if this is true and does this only apply to UK residents only?
I received no funding for the Masters I'm currently in, however I did secure a loan, in which I will have to repay back.
Many thanks in advance.

I hope you are doing well.

UEL offers many different Postgraduate courses.

Here is a link of the courses taught at UEL:

UEL holds Open Events for prospective students. This would be a great opportunity for you to speak to current students, Academics and have a campus tour. It can be booked online using the following link:
Undergraduate Open Days | University of East London (

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