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REALLY Bad obsession over a guy

I've know this guy for 6 years now, and I like everything about him, I constantly find myself going through his and his family's social media pages and I'm always thinking about him. I've asked him out before in 2019 but he rejected me, the way he did that was just so sweet as well. I can't stop thinking about him but I also know I should because this is really not healthy. I'm friend's with his sibling as well so I can't ask him out again because that will make things weird. I want to have a glow up because I know I'm not that good looking as of yet, but I don't know what his type of if he's taken. Someone help a girl out??
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
I've know this guy for 6 years now, and I like everything about him, I constantly find myself going through his and his family's social media pages and I'm always thinking about him. I've asked him out before in 2019 but he rejected me, the way he did that was just so sweet as well. I can't stop thinking about him but I also know I should because this is really not healthy. I'm friend's with his sibling as well so I can't ask him out again because that will make things weird. I want to have a glow up because I know I'm not that good looking as of yet, but I don't know what his type of if he's taken. Someone help a girl out??

you obviously need to forgive him and move on, but I know how hard it can be. so imo the most realistic thing to do is to try really hard to learn how to love yourself as much (and even more) than you love this guy. don’t glow up only to please him. you definitely need to glow up in terms of mentality and self-perception, but do it for yourself yk. ngl im kinda in the same situation as you (i feel very insecure and i’ve been working out a lot to change the way my body look) but deep down i just know that the main changements have to be internal. also, another reason why you should really really move on is bc you can’t move to the next chapter of your life if you are still rereading the last one yk. there is probably the perfect boy for you waiting somewhere but you are intentionally sabotaging you meeting him bc of your attachement to the boy…but you’ve got this girlie, plus you deserve better for yourself 😤😤😤
Reply 2
In the nicest way possible, I honestly suggest either having a one off therapy session for this or going to therapy in general. I think the way you look should never indicate your worth, if you weren't for him then or now then don't try and be something for someone else otherwise you'll never feel like yourself... what you think you want and what will make you happy, once you've got it after altering so many things would fall apart. I promise you now and future you would thank you so much for not trying to be something else, step one is be happy with yourself, you are slay. Another thing I'd note is that I'm sorry and I know you're going through stress but I will say that the way you describe this obsession with this dude from my perspective is REALLY worrying. I don't know you personally but from an outsiders perspective I think I'd be really uncomfortable about the way you approach people, you're not respecting him or treating him like a human being. I think if you respected his boundaries you'd already be off to a much better start. When I hear you say "6 years now" "constantly going through his and family social media" "there was rejection" "I don't know his type and if he's taken" I honestly feel uncomfortable hearing that, as in I'd feel uncomfortable if this was happening to me. I'm sorry if what I'm saying hurts but I do want you to feel and do better, maybe start off by respecting him and his boundaries as a person (to everyone else too) and you'll start to see good things come your way naturally I promise. And there's no need to "look better or good looking" Beauty standards exist just because everyone else says they do and they never stay the same... If everyone stopped exclaiming what is and isn't perfect we'd all be a lot more comfortable and less scared, don't let it scare you and focus on being a cool ass person, I'm sure you are. C:
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #2
you obviously need to forgive him and move on, but I know how hard it can be. so imo the most realistic thing to do is to try really hard to learn how to love yourself as much (and even more) than you love this guy. don’t glow up only to please him. you definitely need to glow up in terms of mentality and self-perception, but do it for yourself yk. ngl im kinda in the same situation as you (i feel very insecure and i’ve been working out a lot to change the way my body look) but deep down i just know that the main changements have to be internal. also, another reason why you should really really move on is bc you can’t move to the next chapter of your life if you are still rereading the last one yk. there is probably the perfect boy for you waiting somewhere but you are intentionally sabotaging you meeting him bc of your attachement to the boy…but you’ve got this girlie, plus you deserve better for yourself 😤😤😤
I know girlie, I feel like I'm in the love is blind situation right now. This has been really helpful though thank you so much! I really like this "you can’t move to the next chapter of your life if you are still rereading the last one". Dating isn't my thing though, I've had boys like me so I've been the person doing the rejecting I've never been rejected. So yes it did hurt and I need to heal but it's gonna be a long process. But for you as well don't exhaust yourself too much with fitness there is a difference between self love and neglect, I feel like we're going through similar situations but I wish you all the best too! :bubbles:
Reply 4
Original post by Froggers
In the nicest way possible, I honestly suggest either having a one off therapy session for this or going to therapy in general. I think the way you look should never indicate your worth, if you weren't for him then or now then don't try and be something for someone else otherwise you'll never feel like yourself... what you think you want and what will make you happy, once you've got it after altering so many things would fall apart. I promise you now and future you would thank you so much for not trying to be something else, step one is be happy with yourself, you are slay. Another thing I'd note is that I'm sorry and I know you're going through stress but I will say that the way you describe this obsession with this dude from my perspective is REALLY worrying. I don't know you personally but from an outsiders perspective I think I'd be really uncomfortable about the way you approach people, you're not respecting him or treating him like a human being. I think if you respected his boundaries you'd already be off to a much better start. When I hear you say "6 years now" "constantly going through his and family social media" "there was rejection" "I don't know his type and if he's taken" I honestly feel uncomfortable hearing that, as in I'd feel uncomfortable if this was happening to me. I'm sorry if what I'm saying hurts but I do want you to feel and do better, maybe start off by respecting him and his boundaries as a person (to everyone else too) and you'll start to see good things come your way naturally I promise. And there's no need to "look better or good looking" Beauty standards exist just because everyone else says they do and they never stay the same... If everyone stopped exclaiming what is and isn't perfect we'd all be a lot more comfortable and less scared, don't let it scare you and focus on being a cool ass person, I'm sure you are. C:
You know what, I actually needed this and no I'm not hurt or offended. I probably do need therapy but I haven't got the time or money. I know appearance isn't everything but I do want to feel comfortable in my body especially when I step into the dating world.

A stranger's opinion does help, I've been telling my friends about him, even the little things like I saw him today, or he spoke to me. I never really considered what they're opinions and point of view was. I felt like I could trust them with my rants. This is going to sound really bad but when I mean social media I mean anonymously, so they don't know but yep...deffo should stop that. It is uncomfortable, I'm friends with his sibling and we exchanged presents for this occasion (can't remember what) and I had these small little shakes, like I'm worried what he or his family thinks about me and it's stressful because I have no other connection to him so why should I care about what he thinks? As in I don't need to worry if I've made a bad joke and like ahh what will he think typa thing. But honestly easier said than done. It doesn't help that I've normalised it, almost like it's part of my life which it is i guess but shouldn't be.

Seriously I needed to hear that, you've been amazing thank you so much and I'm sure you are too! :smile:

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